ATMCS 10 @ Oxford: Final Announcement

This is the final announcement of the 10th conference in the ATMCS series, which will be held in

Oxford, 20-24 June 2022

Conference webpage:

We are pleased to report that Conference Proceedings of ATMCS10 will be published in conjunction with the Journal of Applied and Computation Topology. All those contributing to the conference are invited to submit research and survey papers. All papers will be peer reviewed. The deadline is 30. September 2022.

Submission to proceedings:

The conference is supported by the Centre for Topological Data Analysis and by a travel grant form the NSF.

Invited Speakers:
Hélène Barcelo (Arizona State)
Saugata Basu (Purdue)
Ulrich Bauer (Technical University of Munich)
Andrew Blumberg (Columbia)
Peter Bubenik (Florida)
Gunnar Carlsson (Stanford)
Herbert Edelsbrunner (IST Austria)
Alexander Grigor’yan (Bielefeld)
Facundo Memoli (Ohio State)
Elizabeth Munch (Michigan State)
Nina Otter (UCLA)
Leonid Polterovich (Tel Aviv)
Eric Sedgewick (De Paul)
Vin de Silva (Pomona College)
Katharine Turner (Australian National University)

Scientific Committee:
Jacek Brodzki (Southampton)
Frédéric Chazal (INRIA)
Kathryn Hess (EPFL Lausanne)
Brittany Fasy (Montana State)
Robert Ghrist (UPenn)
Matt Kahle (Ohio State)
Claudia Landi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Chair
Primoz Skraba (Queen Mary, London)
Shmuel Weinberger (Chicago)

First Announcement ATMCS10

We announce with great pleasure that the 10th conference in the ATMCS series will be held in Oxford, 20-24 June 2022

Conference webpage:

Invited Speakers:
Hélène Barcelo (Arizona State)
Saugata Basu (Purdue)
Ulrich Bauer (Technical University of Munich)
Andrew Blumberg (Columbia)
Peter Bubenik (Florida)
Gunnar Carlsson (Stanford)
Herbert Edelsbrunner (ISTA)
Alexander Grigor’yan (Bielefeld)
Facundo Memoli (Ohio State)
Elizabeth Munch (Michigan State)
Nina Otter (UCLA)
Leonid Polterovich (Tel Aviv)
Eric Sedgewick (De Paul)
Vin de Silva (Pomona College)
Katharine Turner (Australian National University)

In addition there will be contributed talks. A call for submission of abstracts for these talks and posters will follow.

Scientific Committee:
Jacek Brodzki (University of Southampton)
Frédéric Chazal (INRIA)
Kathryn Hess (EPFL Lausanne)
Brittany Fasy (Montana State University)
Robert Ghrist (University of Pennsylvania)
Matt Kahle (Ohio State University)
Claudia Landi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
Primoz Skraba (Queen Mary, University of London)
Schmuel Weinberger (University of Chicago)

We are pleased to report that Conference Proceedings of ATMCS10 will be published in conjunction with the Journal of Applied and Computation Topology (APCT). All those contributing to the conference will be invited to submit research and survey papers.

The conference is supported by the Centre for Topological Data Analysis.
Limited financial help will be available.

We look forward to welcoming you next year in Oxford!

Heather Harrington, Ulrike Tillmann and Vidit Nanda

Graduate Talks in Geometry and Topology

Graduate Talks in Geometry and Topology, (GT)^2, is an online symposium organised by and for graduate students, running fortnightly throughout Semester 1, 2021. The series will start on Tuesday 2 March 2021. The symposium is designed to provide an opportunity for Australian graduate students in geometry and topology to present their research to a diverse audience, as well as engage, network, and share ideas with other students in their field. Anyone interested in attending is welcome.

This will all be in an inclusive, supportive environment that assumes only undergraduate-level mathematical knowledge.

To register your interest in giving a talk and/or attending, please use this form. To give a talk, please register by Monday 15 February 2021. For more information, see the website. Supported by MATRIX and AMSI.

Ellena, Grace & Yossi,
Organising Committee

Faculty position at Queen Mary University of London

(On behalf of Primoz Skraba)

The School of Mathematical Sciences at the Queen Mary University of London is looking to hire in the field of mathematical data science, and one of the explicitly-mentioned areas of interest is applied and computational algebraic topology. Details below:

Oxford Applied Topology School – Second Announcement

Dear Colleagues,

We’d like to make a second announcement for the Oxford Applied Topology School (OxATS), which will take place at the University of Oxford in the UK, from the 30th March to 3rd April 2020. The School is designed for early career researchers in Computational and Applied Topology to meet and learn about topics in the field under the guidance of senior researchers. The Applied Topology School will feature 3 mini-lecture series:

Geometric and Topological Inference: Frédéric Chazal, Inria Saclay
Topological Complexity: Petar Pavešić, University of Ljubljana
Sheaf Theory, Homological Algebra, & Data Analysis: Michael Robinson, American University

Participants are encouraged to present their research during a poster session. Limited free accommodation is available for early-career researchers.


  • Application for accommodation: Friday 10 January 2020
  • General registration: Friday 28 February 2020
  • Poster titles and abstracts: Friday 28 February 2020

For more details concerning accommodation, financial support, registrations fees and deadlines see the OxATS website.

We hope you will be interested in joining the school and we look forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries at

This event is supported by the Oxford Centre for Topological Data Analysis

Oxford Applied Topology School Organising Committee

Naya Yerolemou
Oliver Vipond
Ambrose Yim
Jacob Leygonie
Barbara Mahler

Oxford Applied Topology School

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the Oxford Applied Topology School (OxATS), which will take place at the University of Oxford in the UK, from the 30th March to 3rd April 2020.

The School is designed for early career researchers in Computational and Applied Topology to meet and learn about topics in the field under the guidance of senior researchers. The Applied Topology School will feature 3 mini-lecture series:

  1. Geometric and Topological Inference: Frédéric Chazal, Inria Saclay
  2. Topological Complexity: Petar Pavešić, University of Ljubljana
  3. Sheaf Theory, Homological Algebra, & Data Analysis: Michael Robinson, American University

Participants are encouraged to present their research during a poster session. Limited free accommodation is available for early-career researchers.

  • Application for accomodation: Friday 10 January 2020
  • General registration: Friday 28 February 2020
  •  Poster titles and abstracts: Friday 28 February 2020

For more details concerning accommodation, financial support, registrations fees and deadlines see the OxATS website.

We hope you will be interested in joining the school and we look forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries at

This event is supported by the Oxford Centre for Topological Data Analysis

Oxford Applied Topology School Organising Committee 

  • Naya Yerolemou
  • Oliver Vipond
  • Ambrose Yim
  • Jacob Leygonie
  • Barbara Mahler