We would like to draw your attention to the “Third Graduate Student Conference: Geometry and Topology meet Data Analysis and Machine Learning” to be held at Northeastern University on June 8th to June 10th, 2023.
The goal of the conference is to gather graduate students and postdocs to share their research work in applications of Geometry and Topology to Data Analysis and Machine Learning. The aim is to build bridges between academic institutions, and to enhance discussion and collaboration via poster sessions, short presentations, and discussion panels. A plenary lecture will be delivered by Prof. Justin Solomon (MIT).
We anticipate having some amount of funding to support students who would like to attend. Registration details can be found in https://gtdaml.wixsite.com/2023. The deadline for applying for
financial support is May 10, 2023.
This is the third installment in the series of conferences (GDTAML 19’ https://tgda.osu.edu/gtdaml2019 and GTDAML 21’ (https://gtdaml.wixsite.com/2021) and follows other synergistic activities run by the organizers in the past (e.g., https://www.ams.org/programs/research-communities/2022MRC-DataSci).
Please contact the organizing committee via gtdaml2023@gmail.com if you have any questions.