3 funded PhD positions in Computational Topology for Materials Science

The 3 PhD positions at the University of Liverpool (UK) are for UK/EU students, though international candidates can contribute to higher tuition fees. Programming skills in C++ or Python are needed. E-mail informal enquiries to vitaliy.kurlin(at)gmail.com

Project 1 : Data Science and Machine Learning Applied to the Discovery of Solid Lithium Ion Conductors. Supervisors: Dr Matthew Dyer and Dr Vitaliy Kurlin. Deadline : 28 February 2018, funded for 3.5 years from October 2018.

Project 2 : Analysis of energy landscapes of molecular crystal structures employing combinatorial and topological methodologies.
Supervisors: Dr Yannis Goulermas, Dr Vitaliy Kurlin, Prof Graeme Day. Deadline : 1 May 2018, funded for 3 years from October 2018.

Project 3 : Data Driven Discovery of Functional Molecular Co-crystals.  Supervisors: Dr Matthew Dyer and Dr Vitaliy Kurlin. Deadline : 31 July 2018, funded for 3.5 years from October 2018.