School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Western University
April 22, 2022
This will be a one-day virtual workshop.
The following mathematical scientists have agreed to speak:
Katharine Adamyk (Western University)
Leland McInnes (Tutte Institute)
Luis Scoccola (Northeastern University)
Dan Shiebler (Oxford University)
The meeting web page is
Please note: A schedule for this meeting, along with titles and abstracts for the talks, has been posted on the meeting web page.
There will be Problem Session at this workshop. We encourage participation in this session and/or the submission of written problems that are relevant to the subject area of the meeting title. A list of problems will be compiled, and then posted some time after the meeting date.
A zoom link for the workshop will be sent to participants on the workshop mailing list. To be added to this mailing list (if you have not already done so), please send email to
This meeting is organized by:
Rick Jardine, Western University, with John Healy, Leland McInnes and Colin Weir of the Tutte Institute.