PhD position in TDA / machine learning at University of Bergen

There is a vacancy for a PhD position in machine learning at the Department of Informatics. The fellowship will be for a period of 3 years, with the possibility for a 4th year, consisting of 25 % compulsory work (e.g. teaching responsibilities at the department) distributed across the employment period. The 4th year is contingent on the qualifications of the candidate and the teaching needs of the department, and will be decided upon appointment.

Machine learning is a special focus area of our department and we are in the process of strengthening the machine learning group. This position is part of this ongoing expansion. The University of Bergen  recently founded the Center for Data Science (CEDAS) as an important extension of research and education activities within data science.

The successful candidate will work towards receiving a PhD degree in machine learning within the end of the employment period. The PhD student will be associated with CEDAS. The thesis topic will be in one of the areas of expertise of the faculty members of the machine learning group. Currently, this includes  topological data analysis, probabilistic graphical models and Bayesian inference.

The application deadline is on January 12th 2020. For more information on the position and how to apply, please visit Jobbnorge (

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