Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Queen Mary University of London

We invite applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) in the School of Mathematical Sciences for the project “Universality in Topological Data Analysis”, funded by the Leverhulme Trust. The successful applicant will work with Dr. Omer Bobrowski and Dr. Primoz Skraba, on developing the theory required to prove a series of conjectures on the universality properties of topological descriptors. A second goal is a fundamental challenge in Topological Data Analysis (TDA) – assessing the statistical significance of topological structures detected in data. The position comes with opportunities for attending workshops and conferences as well as establishing additional collaborations.

The successful applicant will have, or soon obtain, a PhD degree in mathematics, or equivalent level of professional qualifications and experience, in a field closely related to probability theory and/or applied topology, plus experience in writing high quality research papers.

The positition is up to 3 years. 

The job is listed at

For further inquiries please contact or

The School of Mathematical Sciences is committed to the equality of opportunities and to advancing women’s careers. As holders of a Bronze Athena SWAN award we offer family friendly benefits and support part-time study.

Postdoctoral position in TDA for personalized medicine at CRESS

Postdoctoral position in TDA for personalized medicine at CRESS (Paris, FRANCE)

The team METHODS of the Centre de Recherche Epidémiologie et
Statistiques/Université Paris Cité-INSERM (CRESS-U1153) is looking for a
post-doctoral fellow for the ToROTR project lead by Francois Petit.

The aim of the ToROTR project is to develop and study topological,
geometric and statistical methods to develop optimal treatment rules and
evaluate their robustness. This interdisciplinary project encompasses a
diverse range of domains, including topological data analysis, causal
inference, and machine learning. We warmly welcome applicants from
various backgrounds who are eager to learn and explore new topics.

Various questions may be studied within this project, depending on the
candidate’s expertise.

We are searching for a dedicated candidate with a strong mathematical
background and a doctoral degree in mathematics, statistics, or machine
learning, who possesses a keen interest in applying their skills to
health sciences. Candidates with strong expertise in topological data

analysis and experience in coding and working with real data are very welcome.

Team and location: The team METHODS of CRESS, located at Hôtel-Dieu hospital in the
center of Paris, is affiliated to Université Paris-Cité and Inserm.

Duration: 12 months


How to Apply: Your application should include a cover letter with a
brief account of your research interests and motivation for applying for
the position, a resume and a complete list of publications, the name,
and email address of 2 references.

More info at

The deadline to apply is the 15h of September 2023.

Invitation to a workshop on synergies between topological data analysis and life sciences

Dear all,

from the 19th to 21st of September the Fourth Workshop on Topological Methods in Data Analysis will take place within the cluster of excellence STRUCTURES at Heidelberg University. The main part of the workshop will be a lecture and tutorial series by Dr. Andreas Ott (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) on synergies between topological data analysis and life sciences. This workshop is designed for both mathematicians and life scientists with or without prior knowledge in TDA and relevant biology.

As a supplement, participants will have the opportunity to give short lightning talks on their own TDA-related work. The workshop will be in hybrid format with opportunities for on-site get-togethers in Heidelberg. More information can be found in the attached flyer and on the workshop’s webpage (

Registration is now OPEN. Please register via

Registration deadline for participants who want to apply for giving a lightning talk is the 11th of September.

For participation only, the deadline is the 15th of September.

Feel free to share this information with interested colleagues.

We are looking forward to your participation. Do not hesitate to contact us in the case of questions.

Best regards

The organisation committee consisting of Freya Jensen, Viktoria Noel and Daniel Spitz

Geometry/topology TT jobs at the University of Missouri-Columbia


Adam Helfer has asked to share the following message, and anybody with questions can contact him at

Best, Henry Adams


The Math Department at the University of Missouri-Columbia will hire two assistant professor TT positions to start in AY2024-25.  They are both designated geometry/topology, and one of them requires also an emphasis on applications.

The particular sub-areas (within geometry/topology) are less important than the strengths of the candidates.  People working in AI or topological data analysis, for instance, provided they do so using geometric and/or topological tools, would certainly be good candidates for the “emphasis on applications” position.  They would be important to our graduate program, and so they should be comfortable teaching standard math grad courses.

Review of applications will begin 1 October.  For more information, and to apply, see

FoQaCiA Summer School

FoQaCiA Summer School is a two-week program taking place at Bilkent University focused on theoretical aspects of quantum computing aimed primarily at senior undergraduate and graduate students. During the school, participants will have an opportunity to learn the foundations of quantum computing theory from leading experts and work intensively under the guidance of active researchers in the field.
Location: Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Organizers: Rui Soares Barbosa and Cihan Okay

Registration is now open:
Deadline for registration: May 1, 2023

eCHT: online algebraic topology course using Hatcher’s textbook

Hi all,

In Winter 2023, the electronic Computational Homotopy Theory (eCHT) online research community is offering an online algebraic topology course using Hatcher’s textbook. More information is available at the link:

Please see the below information from Dan Isaksen:

I’m writing about an online course to be offered in Winter 2023 that may be a good fit for people in applied topology. Please share this information with anyone who might be interested.

The electronic Computational Homotopy Theory (eCHT) research community is an online home for mathematicians with interests in homotopy theory and related topics. The community is sponsored by a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Training Group (RTG) grant. See
for more information about eCHT in general.

In Winter 2023, we will offer an online graduate course on introductory algebraic topology. This course could be well-suited to some students, especially if their institutions are not offering introductory algebraic topology this year. Our target audience includes first-year PhD students with interests in algebra, geometry, or topology; and masters students who are preparing to enter a PhD program soon. We are also open to enrolling advanced undergraduate students under certain circumstances.

for more information, including a syllabus, grading policies, prerequisites, and application instructions. We do not charge tuition, but students are generally expected to enroll for independent study credits at their home institutions.

Please reach out if you have any questions.


Dan Isaksen
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Joint AATRN/STMS Seminar Series, Fridays October 7, 14, 21, 28

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to launch a collaborative series between the Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network (AATRN) and the Statistical Thermodynamics & Molecular Simulations (STMS). Each event will feature two speakers, one from the STMS community and one from the AATRN community. Both speakers, however, have interests within the purview of the other community, i.e., mathematicians who work on problems that are relevant to theoretical and computational chemistry, and statistical thermodynamicists who develop and use tools from applied mathematics. As such, the intent is to enhance discussions and collaborations between the two communities. Each seminar will comprise of two 25-minute talks (one from each community) followed by questions and discussions. 

We will have four seminars on the four Fridays of October. Our first seminar will be on Friday, October 7, 2022, 10:45 AM-12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. Our speakers will be Prof. Titus van Erp (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and Prof. Jose Perea (Northeastern University). At the following link, you can find their abstracts and speaker bios. You must register for the event at the following link, after which you will receive the Zoom information:

We would also like to bring to your attention our website that has our full schedule:




Friday October 7; 10:45am EDT, Titus van Erp; 11:15am EDT, Jose Perea

Friday October 14; 10:45am EDT, Liz Munch; 11:15am EDT, Claire Adjman

Friday October 21; 10:45am EDT, Erik Santiso; 11:15am EDT, Jie Liang

Friday October 28; 10:45am EDT, Yusu Wang; 11:15am EDT, Reid van Lehn

We look forward to seeing you virtually at these events. Please feel free to pass along this information to anybody who might be interested.

Regards, Henry Adams, Aurora Clark, Amir Haji-Akbari, Sapna Sarupria, Kelin Xia

MSRI program on Algorithms, Fairness, and Equity

Please see the program webpage:

August 21, 2023 to December 20, 2023

This program aims to bring together researchers working at the interface of fairness and computation. This interface has been the site of intensive research effort in mechanism design, in research on partitioning problems related to political districting problems, and in research on ways to address issues of fairness and equity in the context of machine learning algorithms.

These areas each approach the relationship between mathematics and fairness from a distinct perspective. In mechanism design, algorithms are a tool to achieve outcomes with mathematical guarantees of various notions of fairness. In machine learning, we perceive failures of fairness as an undesirable side effect of learning approaches, and seek mathematical approaches to understand and mitigate these failures. And in partitioning problems like political districting, we often seek mathematical tools to evaluate the fairness of human decisions. This program will explore progress in these areas while also providing a venue for overlapping perspectives.

The topics workshop “Randomization, neutrality, and fairness” will explore the common role randomness and probability has played in these lines of work.

Organizers: Vincent Conitzer (Duke University), Moon Duchin (Tufts University), Bettina Klaus (Université de Lausanne), Jonathan Mattingly (Duke University), Wesley Pegden (Carnegie Mellon University)

Journal of Applied and Computational Topology special issue on Random Topology

Journal of Applied and Computational Topology will be having a special issue on Random Topology.  This special issue will group together a variety of topics at the intersections of Topology, Probability, Combinatorics, and Statistics, with the aim of highlighting recent developments in Random Topology and related fields.  The deadline for paper submission is December 31, 2022.  However papers will be refereed as and when they are received.  In case you have a suitable paper,  please do consider submitting here.  Also if you have colleagues who may be interested,  please do forward them the email as well.  
Cheers,  D. Yogeshwaran.  

Thematic quarter at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris

The thematic quarter at Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP, Paris) on Geometry and Statistics in Data Sciences, has now started! Its program extends throughout Fall, until December. For the most part, the events will be broadcast online.
Mini-courses and long courses

The invited professors, resident at IHP, will give both mini-courses (~2x1h30) and long courses (~10 lectures throughout Fall), at a research/Masters level.

  • Optimal Transport (Quentin Mérigot)
  • Embedding for Data Analysis : Multidimensional Scaling and Manifold Learning (Ery Arias-Castro & Eddie Aamari)
  • Geometry of Shape Spaces of Curves and Surfaces (Eric Klassen)
  • Statistical Topological Data Analysis (Wolfgang Polonik)
  • Asymptotic Analysis of Statistics of Random Geometric Structures (Joseph Yukich)
  • A Few Applications of Geometric Measure Theory to Shape Analysis (Nicolas Charon)
  • Mathematical Aspects of Deep Learning (Mikhail Belkin)
  • Some Theoretical Aspects of Graph Neural Networks and Higher Order Variants (Yusu Wang)
  • Topological Approaches to Neuroscience (Kathryn Hess)
  • Riemannian Geometry on Lie Groups (Stephen Preston)

The complete program is available here.

Three one-week conferences

Registration, to each conference separately, is free but compulsory. 
Please check “Remote participation” when registering if you want to attend online.


  • Open contributions to the library Geomstats (17-21 October)

Associated events

Although these events will be broadcast online, we hope to see you many at IHP during the upcoming weeks.

The organizing committee,Eddie Aamari, Catherine Aaron, Frédéric Chazal, Aurélie Fischer, Marc Hoffmann, Alice Le Brigant, Clément Levrard et Bertrand Michel