Dutch Applied Topology Day 2025, 8 April, VU Amsterdam

The Dutch Applied Topology Day 2025will take place at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on Tuesday 8th April 2025.


  • Francesca Arici (Leiden U)
  • Karthik Viswanathan (U van Amsterdam)
  • Ioannis Diamantis (Maastricht U)
  • Rui Dong (Vrije U Amsterdam)
  • Wout Moltmaker (U van Amsterdam)

More information can be found on our webpage.

Young Topologists Meeting – Second Announcement

Dear colleagues,

This is the second announcement for the 2025 Young Topologists Meeting, which will take place from June 23rd to June 27th in Stockholm. Registration is now open. Please visit our website for the registration form: www.math-stockholm.se/1.1350169

If you are interested in giving a talk, presenting a poster, or funding please fill in the form by March 21st, 2025. Registration for simple attendance closes on April 25th, 2025.

We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm!

Kind regards,

The organizers

Benedetta Andina, Ronno Das, Christina Kapatsori, Oliver Lindström, Jan McGarry Furriol, Isaac Ren, Elmo Vuorenmaa, and Björn Wehlin.

Young Topologists Meeting, June 2025, Stockholm

We are thrilled to announce that the 2025 Young Topologists Meeting (YTM) will take place from June 23rd to June 27th, 2025 in Stockholm! This year, the event is jointly hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University.YTM is an annual conference organized for and by young researchers in topology. Its mission is to introduce participants to emerging topics of significance in the field and inspire them to actively engage with the mathematical community early in their careers. The atmosphere will be kept very friendly and inclusive.The program will feature:

  • Three Mini-Courses led by:

 – Frédéric Chazal (Inria Saclay)

 – Manuel Krannich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

 – Maria Yakerson (Oxford University/IMJ-PRG) as well as 

  •  Participant Talks and Poster Sessions from junior researchers

There will be forthcoming announcements with information concerning the registration.For additional details about the conference, please visit our official website: www.math-stockholm.se/1.1350169. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the organizers at: ytm2025@math.su.se

The conference is organized in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute, and is supported by Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien,  the K-Theory Foundation, the G.S. Magnuson Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundations, Stockholms Matematikcentrum, KTH, and SU.We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm!

 Kind regards,The organizersBenedetta Andina, Ronno Das, Christina Kapatsori, Oliver Lindström, Jan McGarry Furriol, Isaac Ren, Elmo Vuorenmaa, and Björn Wehlin.

Join us in making Applied Topology tutorials!

Dear Colleagues,

AATRN (Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network) and WinCompTop (Women in Computational Topology) are hosting another tutorial-a-thon, where participants create ten-minute YouTube videos on subjects related to applied topology (broadly interpreted). 

We will meet Thursday, January 30 at 11:00am Eastern time (UTC-5) for a kick-off event, where participants will split into groups to meet in subsequent weeks to practice and record videos. In addition to creating useful content for the community, this event is also a great way to meet new mathematicians! We particularly encourage early career individuals to participate. Please see the webpage https://sites.google.com/view/aatrn-tutorial-a-thon and fill out the interest form to receive more information. 

Best, the organizers:
Henry Adams,
Hana Dal Poz Kouřimská,
Teresa Heiss,
Sarah Percival, and
Lori Ziegelmeier

With thanks to AATRN and WinCompTop.

Playlists from last tutorial-a-thons:

first tutorial-a-thon playlist


Associated article in the AMS Notices:

Postdoc position at KTH

Dear All,

The mathematics department at KTH has opened a two year postdoc position in TDA. The successful candidate will be involved in applied projects in collaboration with SeRC (https://e-science.se/) and more generally in research in TDA. Teaching duties of 20% are included in the employment. The starting date of the postdoc is June 2025, by the time of employment the candidate should have obtained a PhD. Feel free to reach out to Martina Scolamiero (scola@kth.se) if you have any questions or would like to know more about the position and our research. Deadline for applying is 27th January and a link to the application is below:


ATMCS 11, Bozeman, July 2025

The call for ATMCS is now up:

ATMCS is a conference series on algebraic topology, its role in computation and
science, and its applications. This conference will bring together researchers
representing different aspects of applied topology (broadly interpreted), and
different disciplinary areas.

ATMCS11 invites submissions for contributed talks and posters.  The submission is made as an extended abstracts through OpenReview.  See the website for submission details.

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: Friday, 24 January 2025
  • Notifications: Friday, 28 February 2025

We hope to see you in Bozeman in July!

PhD candidate positions at QMUL

We are looking for talented PhD candidates to join us at QMUL for two exciting projects.

Both are at the intersection between TDA, stochastic topology, and applications.

1. Mathematical Foundations of AI:


2. Applications of Universality in Topological Data Analysis:


If you know anyone who might be interested, please share this with them.


Omer Bobrowski & Primoz Skraba

Aarhus Summer School on TDA in Stochastic Geometry and Image Processing, 2025-08-04 – 08, Aarhus, Denmark

Christian Hirsch and his colleagues write:
It is our pleasure to announce the Aarhus summer school on “Topological data analysis in stochastic geometry and image processing” to be held atAarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, August 04-08, 2025. The summer school on “Topological data analysis in stochastic geometry and image processing” is a five-day event with the aim of introducing young researchers to the highly active fields of Topological Data Analysis (TDA), Stochastic Geometry and Image Processing. The key elements of the summer school are lectures by four distinguished keynote speakers and the analysis of real-world datasets in group project work educating young researchers towork at the interface of TDA and Stochastic Geometry

The principal target group is PhD students and postdocs in topology, probability theory, and related subjects.

The invited lecturers are:

  • Omer Bobrowski (Queen Mary University, London) 
  • Anna Gusakova (University of Münster)
  • Anthea Monod (Imperial College, London) 
  • Raphaël Lachièze-Rey (INRIA Paris)

The registration will open in mid March 2025. Further information can be found at http://aarhustda.info/

We are looking forward to an inspiring event.

AATRN’s in-person conference at iMSi, Chicago, Aug 18-22

Hi everyone!

We are extremely excited to announce AATRN’s first-ever in-person conference, The Geometric Realization of AATRN. It will be held at iMSi, the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation, in Chicago, IL, USA, over August 18-22, 2025. Here is the conference website: imsi.topology.rocks

Registration is already open, and speakers have already been selected. We have intentionally not packed the schedule with too many talks. We encourage folks to sign up to present posters, and will have more than one poster session as appropriate to accommodate all interested attendees. Travel funding decisions are made by iMSi, but our understanding is that they have funding opportunities for both domestic and international attendees. We hope to meet the building capacity of the iMSi institute, which to the best of our understanding hasn’t been accomplished yet! For those who can’t attend in-person, talks will also be live-streamed, recorded, and posted on AATRN’s YouTube channel — but we encourage you to register and to try to attend in-person. Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

See our attached advertisement poster (and please contact us if you would like a high-resolution version for printing).

Best, the AATRN directors
Henry Adams, Hana Dal Poz Kouřimská, Teresa Heiss, Sara Kališnik, Bastian Rieck

Conference Announcement: Applied Topology in Poznan 2025

Julian Brüggemann writes:

“We are happy to announce the upcoming Applied Topology Conference, to be
held on the campus of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań from July
14–18, 2025. After three successful editions in Będlewo, we are excited
to bring the conference to a new location, providing a fresh setting for
this gathering of topologists.

More information will follow soon on the conference website.

The conference will be preceded by an introductory workshop on
topological data analysis on July 12-13.

Please save the date and stay tuned for more information!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:


Julian Brüggemann
Paweł Dłotko
Bartosz Naskręcki
Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska”