Dear colleagues,
With great pleasure we announce the launch of the AATRN Topological Complexity Seminar (AATRN-TCS).
The AATRN-TCS Fall session talks will be held once a month, on a Thursday, starting Thursday, Oct 22 at 10:30am Eastern. We will use the Zoom videoconferencing platform. Please take a look at the seminar web page for the schedule and speakers:
We are grateful to the Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network (AATRN) for supporting this online seminar. Regular reminders (and Zoom coordinates) for AATRN-TCS will be distributed through the AATRN mailing list, so please register as an AATRN member at
(if you have not already done so) to ensure receiving these reminders. As with regular AATRN activities, AATRN-TCS talks will also be available through the AATRN YouTube Channel.
Best wishes from the organizers,
Dan Cohen
Jesus Gonzalez
John Oprea