AATRN’s in-person conference at iMSi, Chicago, Aug 18-22

Hi everyone!

We are extremely excited to announce AATRN’s first-ever in-person conference, The Geometric Realization of AATRN. It will be held at iMSi, the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation, in Chicago, IL, USA, over August 18-22, 2025. Here is the conference website: imsi.topology.rocks

Registration is already open, and speakers have already been selected. We have intentionally not packed the schedule with too many talks. We encourage folks to sign up to present posters, and will have more than one poster session as appropriate to accommodate all interested attendees. Travel funding decisions are made by iMSi, but our understanding is that they have funding opportunities for both domestic and international attendees. We hope to meet the building capacity of the iMSi institute, which to the best of our understanding hasn’t been accomplished yet! For those who can’t attend in-person, talks will also be live-streamed, recorded, and posted on AATRN’s YouTube channel — but we encourage you to register and to try to attend in-person. Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

See our attached advertisement poster (and please contact us if you would like a high-resolution version for printing).

Best, the AATRN directors
Henry Adams, Hana Dal Poz Kouřimská, Teresa Heiss, Sara Kališnik, Bastian Rieck

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