The AMS Fall Eastern Sectional will be September 29-30 at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE. There will be a special session on Applied Algebraic Topology, and we’d like to invite everyone to join us. We’ve got a great group of both junior and senior speakers, including:
- Subhrajit Bhattacharya
- Pablo Cámara
- Ben Cassidy
- Chao Chen
- Carina Curto
- Justin Curry
- Michael Erdmann
- Ellen Gasparovic
- Robert Ghrist
- Vladimir Itskov
- Alex Kunin
- Konstantin Mischaikow
- Anthea Monod
- Michael Robinson
- Radmila Sazdanovic
- Simon Segert
- Don Sheehy
- Robert Short
- Kelly Spendlove
- Min-Chun Wu
- Iris Yoon
When they are ready, the schedule and abstracts will be available here:
Chad Giusti and Greg Henselman