2019 Union College Mathematics Conference


Schenectady, New York

September 13-15, 2019

This year, the conference topics are applied topology; differential geometry, geometric analysis, and mathematical physics; number theory; and the history of mathematics. The plenary speakers of the conference are:

Justin Curry, Michael Lesnick, and I are co-organizing the special session on applied topology. We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract for a 20 minute talk in this special session.  We hope to have 10-12 speakers in total. The deadline for abstract submissions is July 19, 2019.For more information about the conference and to register, please visit our website at:http://www.math.union.edu/~hatleyj/UnionConference2019/UCMC2019index.html

We hope to see you in Schenectady in September!

On behalf of the organizers,

Ellen Gasparovic