We are happy to announce the third Women in Computational Topology workshop, which will take place in July 2023.
For further information, in particular concerning how to apply to participate, please see the detailed description below.
Best wishes,
Heather Harrington, Kathryn Hess, Claudia Landi, and Erin Wolf Chambers
WinCompTop: Women in Computational Topology 3
at EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland)
JULY 17-21, 2023
Deadline for application: 1 Dec 2022
Application form: link
Scientific Overview
The Bernoulli Center at EPFL (Switzerland) will host the third workshop for Women in Computational Topology. These workshops are designed to strengthen the computational topology community by bringing together women as well as gender-diverse researchers at various stages in their careers (from graduate students to senior researchers) and from across the world, fostering research, collaboration, and mentorship between members of gender minorities in computational topology, offering them networking and research opportunities in mathematics and computer science.
Participants will spend one week working together in small groups to solve one of a selection of open questions in computational topology: WinCompTop participants will begin generating new results in collaboration with other participants. To achieve this goal, participants will start working together remotely before the workshop itself to prepare the background and, following the workshop, the research network will be maintained and strengthened by publishing a proceedings volume and organizing follow-up conferences or reunions for participants and other researchers in the area. Mentoring and professional development will happen both formally and informally. Preference for covering local expenses will be given to graduate students and early career researchers.
Organizers and contacts:
Erin Wolf Chambers (St. Louis University), erin.chambers@gmail.com
Heather Harrington (University of Oxford), harrington@maths.ox.ac.uk
Kathryn Hess (EPFL), kathryn.hess@epfl.ch
Claudia Landi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) clandi@unimore.it
Selected topics and group leaders:
The specific research groups, along with the group leader submitting the idea, are:
- Project 1: Decompositions of the persistent homology transform, led by Katharine Turner (Australian National University)
- Project 2: Multilevel sparsification of higher-order data, led by Bei Wang (University of Utah)
- Project 3: Studying self-similarity of complex networks with persistent magnitude, led by Nina Otter (Queen Mary University London)
- Project 4: Differential forms for TDA, led by Anthea Monod (Imperial College London)
- Project 5: Directed topology and multidimensional persistence, led by Lisbeth Fajstrup (Aalborg University) and Brittany Fasy (Montana State)