*Three* Tenure Track Positions in Data Science at UAlbany

In September, Justin Curry posted here about an open Assistant Professor position in Data Science (tenure track) in the department of Mathematics and Statistics at UAlbany.

Since then, our department has obtained two more lines for tenure track positions in data science, one at the level of Assistant Professor and the other at the level of Full Professor. The two additional lines are part of a large cluster hire dedicated to staffing a new $75 million AI Initiative.

People working in topological data analysis and machine learning are especially encouraged to apply, as are members of groups underrepresented in STEM.

Review of Applications begins on January 12th, 2023.

Feel free to contact me or Justin if you have questions.

Graduate Course on Multiparameter Persistence

This year, I’ll be teaching a 2-semester graduate topics course on multiparameter persistence in the math department at UAlbany. If there is interest, I’d be happy to have students from outside of Albany participate remotely, via Zoom.

This is primarily a synchronous course, but asynchronous participation is possible.

This semester, class will be on Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:40 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Eastern time, from August 22 to December 5. (Next semester’s schedule has not been decided.)

Prior knowledge of TDA is not required. See the course website for prerequisites and additional details.

If you might be interested in participating, or if you have questions, please email me at mlesnick@albany.edu.

Michael Lesnick

Tutorial on Multiparameter Persistence, Computation, and Applications

Matthew Wright and I are organizing a 3-day tutorial, titled “Multiparameter Persistence, Computation, and Applications” at the IMA in Minneapolis, August 13-15.

Details, including a tentative list of speakers, can be found here.

Those interested in participating should apply at the website linked above by March 15.  We expect to be able to provide travel support for at least 20 participants.  Members of groups underrepresented in mathematics are especially encouraged to apply.  Notifications of acceptance and funding will go out by April 1.

Tenure Track Positions, New College of Florida

[On behalf of Vic Reiner, UMN]

The New College of Florida now has several openings in statistics and computer science/data science.   These positions may be of interest to applied topologists.

Details are here.

(The New College is a public honors college; it’s where Bill Thurston did his undergraduate studies.)