Dragon Applied Topology Conference, Swansea 11-14 September 2018.

Dear all,
We are writing to announce the Dragon Applied Topology Conference that will take place in Swansea, UK 11-14 September 2018.
The conference webpage (still under construction) can be found here:
The aim of the conference is to bring together applied and theoretical academic researchers, and industry practitioners, working with topological data analysis. Registration will open in early March. If you have any questions, please let me know,
Hope to see you in Swansea,
all the best,

PhD position in TDA at Swansea University.

As part of the major new Oxford-Swansea-Liverpool Center for Topological Data Analysis (funded by EPSRC grant EP/R018472/1), we are looking for a PhD student to join the Swansea team in investigating applications of topology to data science and physics.

Our team consist of:
Dr Pawel Dlotko – interested in applied and computational topology and data analysis.

Dr Jeffrey Giansiracusa -interested in topology and tropical algebraic geometry.

Prof. Biagio Lucini -interested in computational physics and quantum theory.

A postdoc with research interests in topological data analysis.

Multiple PhD students

The precise focus of the project will be adapted to the interests and background of the successful candidate. Potential emphasis could be in one or more of the following: new computational methods in topological data analysis, algebraic/geometric and category theoretic aspects of topology, topological analysis of phase transitions and topological objects in quantum field theory and other systems.

For more details please consult:

Do you have any questions? Please let us know:

Jeffrey Giansiracusa (j.h.giansiracusa@swansea.ac.uk.)

Pawel Dlotko (p.t.dlotko@swansea.ac.uk)