From 4th to 6th of October the Second Workshop on Topological Methods in Data Analysis will take place within the cluster of excellence STRUCTURES at Heidelberg University. The three-day workshop includes introductions into the powerful data analysis machinery of persistent homology, extensive tutorials on the versatile GUDHI library, and in particular features invited colloquial talks by well-known experts in the field, aiming for a broader audience. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to give a short presentation on their own TDA-related work. The workshop will take place online only.
Please find more information including the detailed schedule on the corresponding webpage and the attached information sheet.
We are pleased to announce that registration for the workshop is now open until October 1st. Registration proceeds via filling out this form. Shortly in advance to the workshop we will send around respective Zoom links.
Feel free to share this invitation with interested colleagues.
We are looking forward to your participation.
Do not hesitate to contact us in the case of questions.
Best regards
The organization committee consisting of Michael Bleher, Maximilian Schmahl, Daniel Spitz and Anna Wienhard