Heather Harrington, Vidit Nanda, and Ulrike Tillmann write:
It is a pleasure to announce:
Spires 2024
7-9 August, 2024
Mathematical Institute, Oxford, UK
This fourth annual conference of the Centre for Topological Data Analysis will bring together researchers in the field of topological data analysis and cognate areas. Applications to the natural sciences such as biology and neuroscience will be discussed. As the field matures some of its methods have also found applications back in foundational mathematics that we are keen to explore. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/groups/topological-data-analysis/spires-2024__;!!DZ3fjg!74uo9iHnWefaL20MbVbjJG0RAIdyFmLfyvadQIjq6BdgRzhblyX3PSV4pIJsrQZNt_vpNzzOpV0mjYQuY4eeL5MxLzLfGWSJR8F6Ia_u9g$
Speakers will include:
Gunnar Carlsson
Rob Ghrist
Claudia Landi
Ezra Miller
Anthea Monod
Sayan Mukherjee
Nina Otter
Bastian Rieck
Egor Shelukhin
Primoz Skraba
The programme will include a poster session and participants are invited to submit an abstract.
Funding is available for accommodation and travel.
Application deadline for funding: 6 May 2024.
Registration deadline: 8 July 2024.
We are looking forward to seeing you in August in Oxford:
Heather Harrington, Vidit Nanda, and Ulrike Tillmann