Postdoc positions in Topological Data Analysis at KTH

The mathematics department at KTH offers up to two, two years, postdoc positions to join the Topological Data Analysis group. The TDA group currently consists of two faculty members: Wojciech Chacholski and Martina Scolamiero, one postdoc Rayan Ramanujan and three PhD students: Oliver Gavfert, Francesca Tombari and Alvin Jin. We work on a variety of topics including: studying the topology of decompositions of simplicial complexes, defining and computing stable invariants for multi-persistence, applications of TDA to machine learning and neuroscience. Furthermore KTH offers an inclusive and exciting atmosphere with plenty of opportunities to collaborate for example with the algebraic geometry group, researchers working on mathematical foundations of A.I, the Brummer & Partners MathDataLab and the WASP program. Although in the announcement it is stated that a PhD is required to apply, we are going to  consider applications of everyone who will graduate before the start of the position. 

The application deadline is 20 January 2020. For more information on the position and the application process please follow the link:

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