Special issue on “Algorithms and Software for Computational Topology”

…in the Journal of Symbolic Computation

Aim and Scope:

The interest in algorithms on topological problems and their implementation has rapidly grown during the last decade. One driving force is the emergence of “topological data analysis” which connects topological concepts like Morse theory and homology to the investigation of real-world data. Another recent track of research substantially expands the realm of possibility for computational approaches in 3-manifold and knot theory. Common to these and other developments is the ability to handle large data collections through an efficient algorithmic framework as well as mature software implementations of those. A workshop session at the International Congress of Mathematical Software (ICMS) in August 2014 was dedicated to this topic (http://icms14.appliedtopology.org/).

The Journal of Symbolic Computation (JSC) invites high-quality contributions from researchers in the area of Computational Topology reporting on original research achievements towards algorithms, software, and applications. The list of topics includes, but is not limited to

  • (Persistent) homology
  • Topological data analysis
  • 3-manifold topology and knot theory
  • (Discrete) Morse theory

Researchers which are unsure whether their contribution is suitable are encouraged to contact the guest editor.

Submission instructions:

It is recommended to prepare submission in the same format as regular submission to JSC (see the “Guide for Authors” at http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-symbolic-computation/).

The paper must start with a introduction that

  • clearly states the considered problem
  • discusses its relevance and related work
  • explains the main contribution of the paper
  • explains why the contribution is original and non-trivial

There is no page limit on submitted manuscripts. It is required, however, that

  • all related work is completely and carefully discussed
  • all theorems are rigorously proved
  • important definitions/theorems/algorithms are illustrated by well-chosen examples.

All submitted papers will be refereed according to the high standards of JSC.

Guest editor:

Michael Kerber (Max Planck Institute for Informatics) – mkerber@mpi-inf.mpg.de


The submission deadline is January 31 2015. The special issue is planned to appear in Fall 2015

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