Talk by Gunnar Carlsson in “Data Science for Material Discovery” Seminar Series

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to attend a virtual seminar in the I-AIM seminar series “Data Science for Materials Discovery”. We are an NSF-funded research team working towards new frontiers in data-driven discovery for material science and engineering mechanics ( 
Our next speaker will be Professor Gunnar Carlsson from Stanford University, who will give a seminar entitled “Topological data analysis and applications” on Nov. 6th (Friday), 1:00 pm EDT (10am Pacific Time). Brief talk information is below, and more information about the seminar series can be found at

The seminar will have a 40-45 min talk and 10-15 min discussion. The Zoom Meeting ID and password can be found below:

Zoom ID:
Password: i-aim

Thank you for your interest. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

Wei Chen, IIT
Hendrik Heinz, U Colorado
WaiChing Sun, Columbia University
Yusu Wang, UC San Diego
Yanxun Xu, JHU


Talk Information


Title:  Topological data analysis and applications
Abstract:Topological data analysis is a rapidly developing field with mathematics and statistics. It constructs mathematical notions of shape, and ways of measuring shape. I will discuss the methods, with examples to a number areas of the sciences and engineering.

About the Speaker: 
Gunnar Carlsson received his doctoral degree from Stanford, and has taught at University of Chicago, University of California at San Diego, Princeton University, and since 1991 at Stanford University.  He has worked within the area of topology, the mathematical study of shape.  Since 2000, he has been working on adapting topological ideas to the study of large and complex data sets.  He led a multi-university DARPA initiative on this subject from 2005 to 2010.  He co-founded the company Ayasdi in 2008, which has been commercializing the research. 

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