We are reaching out to you on behalf the of the organizers of the 34th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications. The NSF has just approved funding for some US participants to travel to the conference (July 1 – 4, 2019), especially students and early career faculty. This year, there is a session on topology in data science organized by Magnus Botnan (Vrije Univ.), Sara Kalisnik (Wesleyan), and Christian Lehn (TU Chemnitz).
If you know of any body that might be interested in attending our conference (particularly US based students, early career faculty, and members of under-represented groups), will you please pass along this information:
34th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications
Johannesburg, South Africa, July 1 – 4, 2019
US based participants apply for funding here (decisions made by April 17)
Early registration by June 5, 2019Abstract submission by May 31, 2019
Thank you very much for your help. Information about sessions and speakers is copied below.
We inform you that registration is now open for the 34th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications to be held 1-4 July 2019 at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
We kindly invite you to participate in the conference by giving a 20-25 minutes talk. Abstract submission is open until May 31, 2019.
The conference will feature the following special sessions:
1. Topological Algebra and Analysis
Lydia Aussenhofer
Ahmed Bouziad
Salvador Hernandez
2. Asymmetric Structures and Order
Tom Richmond
Josef Slapal
3. Dynamics and Continuum Theory
Paul Bankston
Sergio Macias
4. Set-Theoretic Topology
Osvaldo Guzman
Michael Hrusak
Jonathan Verner
5. Topology in Data Science
Magnus Botnan
Sara Kalisnik
Christian Lehn
Plenary speakers:
Topological Algebra and Analysis
Taras Banakh ( Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Ukraine)
Mahmoud Filali (University of Oulu, Finland)
Francesco Russo (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Asymmetric Structures and Order
Szymon Dolecki (Burgundy University, France)
Seithuti Philemon Moshokoa (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)
Michel Schellekens (University College Cork, Ireland)
Dynamics and Continuum Theory
Daron Anderson (NUI Galway, Ireland)
Judy Kennedy (Lamar University, USA)
Petra Staynova (University of Leicester)
Set-Theoretic Topology
Rodrigo Hernandez (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico)
Jan van Mill (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Dilip Raghavan (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Topology in Data Science
Vladimir Itskov (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Yusu Wang (Ohio State University, USA)
Winner of the Mary Ellen Rudin Award
Osvaldo Guzman (University of Toronto, Canada)