3-Year Postdoc Position In Aberdeen

Ran Levi writes:

“The Institute of Mathematics in Aberdeen is offering a postdoctoral position funded by an EPSRC Network grant under the title “The Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence – An Erlangen programme.

The network, led by Oxford, includes 6 institutions, 38 researchers, and a growing number of business partners. The programme aims to produce a study based on rigorous mathematical principles that would bring better understanding of existing AI methods as well as a new generation of methods that have guaranteed expressive and generalisation power, better interpretability, scalability, and data- and computational-efficiency.  

The part Aberdeen will play within this programme is based on the work and experience of Professor Ran Levi in applications of algebra, graph theory, category theory, and algebraic topology to science, and particularly neuroscience. Work will be carried out primarily within the Institute of Mathematics which is a part of the School of Natural and Computing Science

The successful candidate will have a PhD in pure or applied algebraic topology, and a working knowledge of mathematical programming such as python or C++.  The post will require collaborative work with Prof Levi on the subject of the programme, as well as meetings, discussions and collaborative work with other parties involved in the project. Application materials should include information both on mathematical and on computing skills. 

Closing date for applications is 15th November. Interviews are expected to take place online by the end of November. For more information and to apply online click here.

Informal inquiries are welcome. Please write to Ran Levi at r.levi@abdn.ac.uk. “

Max Planck Research Group Leader (W2) in Topological Data Analysis

The deadline for applications including references is October 4, 2024.

“We are looking for internationally recognized scholars from the mathematical sciences with a research profile in applied and/or computational topology with experience working in biology, statistics, machine learning, modelling, dynamical systems and/or optimization. We encourage pioneering projects that transcend disciplinary boundaries.

The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) and the adjacent Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD) pursue a mission to advance multiscale biological discovery through innovative and cutting-edge mathematics, physics, and computation. With the recent appointment of Prof Heather Harrington as director at MPI-CBG and CSBD the institute is heavily investing in expanding mathematics for living systems.

Our offer:

  • The initial group leader appointment is for 6 years, with the possibility of a 3-year extension upon successful evaluation, for a total possible duration of 9 years.
  • The competitive salary and benefits are based on the W2 remuneration group of the Federal Civil Service Remuneration Act (Bundesbesoldungsgesetz).

Candidates should hold a PhD in mathematics or related fields, ideally awarded within the past seven years, and have postdoctoral research experience. An anticipated start date would be Autumn 2025.”

Originally posted here: https://www.mpi-cbg.de/join-us/open-positions/job-offer/max-planck-research-group-leaders-w2-in-topological-data-analysis

Tenure track positions (2) in Mathematics (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor)

Mathematics education and research at Tampere University are hosted by the Computing Sciences unit and the Faculty of Information Technology and Communications. We conduct strong research in the areas of mathematics including

  • Applications of algebraic topology
  • Inverse problems
  • Mathematical logic
  • Mathematical systems theory and functional analysis

Our personnel consists of 5 professors, 15 lecturers/instructors, and roughly 30 research staff members including post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students. To complement and strengthen our research profile, we invite applications for 2 positions of Assistant/Associate/Full Professors in Mathematics (Tenure Track). We are seeking candidates with an excellent track record in the following areas of mathematics:

  • Profile 1: Algebra and topology
  • Profile 2: Mathematical analysis

Theoretical mathematics research is an essential requirement in both profiles. For Profile 1, expertise on applications such as topological data analysis is considered an additional strength. For Profile 2, we especially value research in analysis of partial differential equations.

The successful candidate is expected to lead world-class scientific research and to demonstrate their potential in securing substantial research funding. They will also participate in teaching and supervision of students in the areas of algebra, topology and/or mathematical analysis. We are seeking an active member to our academic community and value potential for local research collaboration. The more detailed tenure-track objectives will be set based on the level and previous experience of the candidate.

AMS Special Session on Topological Data Analysis — Request for Abstracts

Dear All,

I am pleased to announce that there will be an AMS Special Session on Topological Data Analysis hosted by Drs. Jose A. Velez-Marulanda and Shaun V. Ault at the JMM2025.

To submit an abstract:

Please use the following link, https://meetings.ams.org/math/jmm2025/cfp.cgi,


and locate: SS121A AMS Special Session on Topological Data Analysis: Theory and Applications

The session will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 8th at the JMM2025 in Seattle, Washington. Talks will generally run 20 minutes, but if you are interested in giving a 45-minute talk, please reach out to the organizers.

Please note that the abstract deadline expires Tuesday, September 10 at 11:59 PM, EDT. No late submissions will be accepted. 

Feel free to reach out to Shaun (svault@valdosta.edu) or Jose (javelezmarulanda@valdosta.edu) for more information.

Early career mathematicians are highly encouraged to send in abstracts!

(For travel funding opportunities, please reach out to the AMS or other sources.)

Hope to see you in Seattle!


Shaun Van Ault, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics

Manuscripts Wanted for Special Issue of AIMS Mathematics: “Recent Advances in Algebraic Topology and Applications”

Prof. Guowei Wei of Michigan State University will be guest editor for this special issue. Wei can be reached at: weig@msu.edu.

The original posting at AIMS press provides a non-exhaustive list of manuscript topics with the main criterion being that the research results “provide insight into algebraic topology and applications:”

  • Homotopy theory and applications  
  • Cohomology theories and applications  
  • Topological properties of manifolds and applications  
  • Sheaf theory and applications  
  • Knot theory and applications  
  • Algebraic, topological, and computational K-theory  
  • Topological data analysis (TDA)  
  • Topological deep learning  
  • Topology-enabled AI and AI-enabled topology  
  • Topological methods in biology, medicine, and neuroscience  
  • Application-inspired algebraic topology  
  • Interdisciplinary applications of algebraic topology


“All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 30 July 2025.”

Summer School on “Stability in Topological Data Analysis”

Barbara Giunti writes:

“Dear All,

Claudia, Lisbeth, and I are organizing a Summer School on “Stability in Topological Data Analysis” at the Mittag-Leffler Institute in Stockholm, from the 30th of June to the 4th of July 2025. 


The school focuses on general techniques to achieve stability of invariants in TDA that can be applied to different objects, from persistence modules to Reeb graphs. The target participants are young researchers in the field (from advanced Master’s students to early postdocs). We are very excited to have three extraordinary planned speakers: Elizabeth Munch (Michigan University), Martina Scolamiero (KTH), and Katharine Turner (Australian National University). 

This summer school is sponsored by the Mittag-Leffler Institute, EMS, and EWM, and one of the requirements is to have a high women participation rate. We have room for around 25 participants, for which accommodation and some meals (breakfasts, lunches, and a conference dinner) are covered, and a few extra local participants (with lunches and a conference dinner also covered). We currently have no guarantees for travel funds, but we are applying for some.

We are now accepting applications via this form

The form can be edited after the submission until the deadline, we will receive a notification for each edit. The deadline for applying is August 15th AoE. We would be grateful if you could share this opportunity with interested researchers. We hope this will be a great chance for learning a lot about stability tools in TDA, and also for networking. Therefore, we especially welcome (young) researchers who usually have fewer opportunities to engage with the community.  

We are also coordinating with the organizers of the next Young Topologists Meeting (scheduled for Summer 2025 in Stockholm) to avoid overlapping and try to have the two events back-to-back.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 

Have a nice day,


MICCAI Workshop on Topology- and Graph-Informed Imaging Informatics (TGI3)

All are welcome to submit and attend our workshop on Topology- and Graph-Informed Imaging Informatics (TGI3). It will be held during the upcoming MICCAI 2024 (Morocco, October). The deadline is coming soon but we are considering extending it for a couple of more weeks. Please reach out if you have any questions.



Chao Chen

Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics

Stony Brook University

2 Interdisciplinary Postdoc Positions at KTH

Martina Scolamiero writes:

“Together with Saikat Chatterjee (KTH) and Sara Garcia Ptacek (Karolinska Institutet) I will be supervising a two year postdoc position at KTH on an interdisciplinary project aimed at developing topological and ML methods to study medical and biological data, with a focus on repurposing medications for dementia patients. 

This is the second of the two positions in the following announcement (https://www.kth.se/lediga-jobb/732270?l=en). The deadline for application is 27-th June. Please spread the word to possibly interested candidates and feel free to contact me (scola@kth.se) for further details. ” 

Postdoctoral Research Assistant Opportunity: “An ‘Erlangen Programme’ for AI ”

“We invite applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) in the School of Mathematical Sciences for the project “An ‘Erlangen Programme’ for AI ”, funded by the EPSRC. This is a large project across multiple universities including including Oxford, Imperial, Southampton, Durham, and Aberdeen. The successful applicant will work with Prof. Omer Bobrowski and Dr. Primoz Skraba, to bridge the gap between topology and deep learning by investigating how stochastic topological tools can be developed and used to systematically analyse, interpret, and improve the performance of deep neural networks. The position will involve collaborations with researchers at the other universities in the hub as well as opportunities for attending workshops and conferences.

The successful applicant will have, or soon obtain, a PhD degree in mathematics or related area, or equivalent level of professional qualifications and experience, with expertise in at least one of the areas: machine learning, applied topology, and/or probability theory.

The position is up to 3 years.

The job is listed at https://www.qmul.ac.uk/jobs/vacancies/items/9746.html with a deadline of June 30th

For any further questions please contact p.skraba@qmul.ac.uk or o.bobrowski@qmul.ac.uk