ATMCS 11, Bozeman, July 2025

The call for ATMCS is now up:

ATMCS is a conference series on algebraic topology, its role in computation and
science, and its applications. This conference will bring together researchers
representing different aspects of applied topology (broadly interpreted), and
different disciplinary areas.

ATMCS11 invites submissions for contributed talks and posters.  The submission is made as an extended abstracts through OpenReview.  See the website for submission details.

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: Friday, 24 January 2025
  • Notifications: Friday, 28 February 2025

We hope to see you in Bozeman in July!

Aarhus Summer School on TDA in Stochastic Geometry and Image Processing, 2025-08-04 – 08, Aarhus, Denmark

Christian Hirsch and his colleagues write:
It is our pleasure to announce the Aarhus summer school on “Topological data analysis in stochastic geometry and image processing” to be held atAarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, August 04-08, 2025. The summer school on “Topological data analysis in stochastic geometry and image processing” is a five-day event with the aim of introducing young researchers to the highly active fields of Topological Data Analysis (TDA), Stochastic Geometry and Image Processing. The key elements of the summer school are lectures by four distinguished keynote speakers and the analysis of real-world datasets in group project work educating young researchers towork at the interface of TDA and Stochastic Geometry

The principal target group is PhD students and postdocs in topology, probability theory, and related subjects.

The invited lecturers are:

  • Omer Bobrowski (Queen Mary University, London) 
  • Anna Gusakova (University of Münster)
  • Anthea Monod (Imperial College, London) 
  • Raphaël Lachièze-Rey (INRIA Paris)

The registration will open in mid March 2025. Further information can be found at

We are looking forward to an inspiring event.

Tenure Track, Computer Science, KTH (Stockholm, Sweden)

Martina Scolamiero writes:
The computer science department at KTH has opened an Assist. Prof  (tenure track position) in mathematical and computational foundations of data analysis. The position is funded by the WASP program ( which, among other things, offers a starting package and the opportunity of being part of a large network of researches within A.I in Sweden.

Contact me and the mentioned people in the announcement if you have questions.

Best wishes,

CompPer 2024, Graz, Austria, September 24-27 2024

Michael Kerber writes:
ComPer2024: Computational Persistence Workshop in Graz, Austria

The 4th workshop on Computational Persistence will take place from Sep 23 to Sep 27 in hybrid mode at Graz University of Technology, Austria. This workshop provides a forum to exchange ideas on computational aspects of topological persistence that fertilize advances in topological data analysis.

The schedule will be composed of invited and contributed talks on computational aspects of topological data analysis. Contributed talks can be suggested in the form of an abstract of at most two pages. A scientific committee will check the submissions and make a selection.

We encourage on-site participation, but equally welcome submissions of researchers that attend remotely. To facilitate remote participation from America in particular, the workshop sessions will take place in the afternoon.

Deadline for abstracts of contributed talks: June 21, 2024
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2024


Submission server:

Scientific committee:
Ulrich Bauer (TU Munich)
Tamal Dey (Purdue)
Michael Kerber (Graz University of Technology)
Michael Lesnick (University of Albany)
Elizabeth Munch (Michigan State)

Confirmed invited speakers:
Magnus Botnan (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Heather Harrington (MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden)
Kathryn Hess-Bellwald (EPFL Lausanne)
Tao Hou (DePaul University)
Clement Maria (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
Marian Mrozek (Jagiellonian University Krakow)
Steve Oudot (INRIA Saclay)
Anastasios Stefanou (University of Bremen)
Yusu Wang (University of California, San Diego)

Local organizers:
Angel Alonso, Andre Hammer, Kristof Huszar, Jan Jendrysiak, Michael Kerber, Michael Muhr, Florian Russold, Matthias Soels, Esther Zuccato

CfP: WinCompTop 3

Claudia Landi writes:

Dear Colleagues,

This is the call for submissions for the Women in Computational Topology  Third Workshop (WinCompTop3) Proceedings, entitled “Research in Computational Topology 3,” which will be published as a volume in the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)-Springer series. The AWM-Springer series is a relatively new initiative by AWM ( and the volumes are refereed proceedings at the level of the AMS Contemporary Mathematics standards.
This particular volume in the series is a follow-up to the third WinCompTop workshop, which was held at the Bernoulli Center (EPFL) in July 2023. 

We solicit submissions in the general area of applied and computational topology, broadly interpreted. Submissions should be reports on original work or possibly longer survey papers. While priority will be given to submissions co-authored by participants in the workshop, we expect to have significant room for additional papers, and welcome contributions from any WinCompTop network member or ally, provided that at least one of the authors on the submission identifies as a woman or gender diverse.

Please let us know if you plan to submit an article as soon as possible; you can do so by contacting Erin Chambers ( and Claudia Landi ( via email, including the tentative title and abstract, as well as authors on the work.

Submissions are due by July 12, 2024, and should be submitted via email (to both and as a pdf file.  Accepted papers will need to be reformatted at a later stage using the Springer template.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and we look forward to seeing your contributions!

Erin Chambers and Claudia Landi, editors

Call for Papers: Computational Geometry: Young Researchers Forum (CG:YRF) 2024

The 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2024) is planned to take place in Athens, Greece, June 11–14, 2024. It brings together the global community of researchers who work on a large variety of aspects that combine geometry, algorithms and applications. To allow a broad audience to actively participate in the community’s major scientific event, this year SoCG will again be accompanied by a series of satellite events, which together constitute “CG Week 2024”.

One of these satellite events will be the “Computational Geometry: Young Researchers Forum” (CG:YRF), which is aimed at current and recent students. The active involvement by students and recent graduates in research, discussions, and social events has been longstanding tradition in the CG community. Participation in a top-level event such as SoCG can be educating, motivating, and useful for networking, both with other students and with more senior scientists.

The YRF presents young researchers (defined as not having received a formal doctorate before January 1, 2022) an opportunity to present their work (in progress as well as finished results) to the CG community in a friendly, open setting. Just like in the main event, presentations will be given in the form of talks. A pre-screening (but no formal review process) will ensure appropriate quality control.

CG:YRF 2024 conference web page 

CG:YRF 2024 easychair submission page 

Important Dates, 2024

  • 1 March deadline for submissions
  • 24 March notification of conditional acceptance
  • 7 April deadline for revisions
  • 14 April notification of acceptance
  • June 11–14 CG Week

Submission guidelines

The idea of the event is for young researchers to present new and ongoing work. Therefore, the work should not have appeared in print in a formally reviewed proceedings volume or journal by the time of submission deadline, and at least one author must be a young researcher.

Topics must fit into the general context of SoCG, as described in the call for SoCG submissions

Submissions must be formatted according to the same style file as regular SoCG submissions and not exceed 80 lines, excluding front matter and references. Unlike SoCG, YRF is not employing double-blind reviewing this year. To ensure an accurate line counting, authors must use the LaTeX class file socg-lipics-v2021, which is a wrapper around the standard LIPIcs class, see these guidelines. Authors should refrain from putting excessive amounts of texts in parts in which lines are not counted automatically.

Submissions can contain an appendix of arbitrary length to provide further details for the screening process, but the main body of the text should be understandable without reading the appendix. Appendices will also not be contained in the booklet (see below).

Accepted abstracts will be compiled in a booklet of abstracts that will be distributed among the participants; this should not be considered a formal publication. In particular, participants are encouraged to submit (an extended version of) their presented work to a conference with formal proceedings and/or to a journal. Booklets of abstracts from previous years’ YRF are available on

The work must be presented at CG:YRF by an author who is a young researcher. Otherwise, it will be removed from the program. 

We will employ a two-phase screening process. After the first review phase, there will be a notification of either rejection (if the result is clearly out of scope or technically incorrect), or conditional acceptance, accompanied with a description of required changes to be made (either with respect to content or format). In the second phase, we will check whether the changes have been implemented satisfactorily, and if not, a paper may still be rejected. The screening process is intended to ensure the technical quality of the presented work. Submissions that are not well-written risk rejection, irrespective of correctness. Authors are strongly encouraged to have their submissions proofread by their advisor or another experienced scientist.

Early submission

Some young researchers need more time to arrange for travel, visas, or funding. Authors are thus welcome to submit before the deadline above, in order for the submission to be reviewed earlier (including earlier notification of acceptance, rejection or conditional acceptance). Please notify the PC chair after you have made such an early submission.

All submissions will be judged according to the same standards of quality regardless of the submission date. It is acceptable to have parallel submission of the same results to SoCG and YRF; however, it will be expected that the YRF submission will be withdrawn if the full paper is accepted to SoCG. The reviewing for YRF is completely independent of the reviewing for SoCG.

Program Committee

Statistical Topology PhD Position, Queen Mary University of London, Deadline December 1

The School of Mathematical Sciences of Queen Mary University of London invites applications for a PhD project funded by the Leverhulme Trust, commencing in February 2024 working with Dr. Omer Bobrowski and Dr. Primoz Skraba. Applications are due December 1st.

Project description

This project will focus on a series of conjectures, recently discovered experimentally, arguing that topological features have strong universality properties (i.e., the distribution of topological descriptors is independent of the model generating the data). The main goal of this project is to develop both the theory related to these conjectures, and their potential applications in statistics and machine learning. The project will roughly be equally divided between the two parts. The theoretical part will combine probability theory, with algebraic topology and geometry.  

The applications part will mainly address how universality can contribute to assessing the statistical significance of structures detected in data using topological tools.


The application procedure is described on the School webpage:

For further inquiries please contact

The School of Mathematical Sciences is committed to the equality of opportunities and to advancing women’s careers. As holders of a Bronze Athena SWAN award we offer family friendly benefits and support part-time study.

CfP FoDS Special Issue “Recent Advances in Topological Deep Learning”

Call for Papers
Special Issue of Foundations of Data Science
“Recent Advances in Topological Deep Learning”

Description: Data-driven discovery is widely regarded as the fourth paradigm that can fundamentally change scientific research landscape and pave the way for a new industrial revolution. The great success, from AlphaFold to ChatGPT, has demonstrated enormous power of artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches. However, efficient representations and featurization of complex systems are still one of the central challenges for all the AI-based discoveries. Recently, topological data analysis (TDA) has brought in a new way for data characterization and modelling. Deeply rooted in algebraic topology and computational topology, TDA enables an effective balance between data description and model generalization. TDA-based deep learning models have already shown tremendous power in various applications, such as image processing, drug design, materials design, gene analysis, virus evolution, etc. Topological deep learning has emerged as a new interdisciplinary area between applied topology, data science, and machine learning.

The objective of this special issue is three-fold. First, it aims to showcase recent progress and success in TDA and topological deep learning. Second, it promotes new algorithms, methods, and models in topological deep learning. Third, this special issue is devoted to the 4th conference on “Computational Topology and Application” at the Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF) in Sanya, China, Dec 18-22, 2023. 

To this end, this special issue of Topological deep learning seeks original papers on the following topics including, but not limited to:
• Topological data analysis and its applications
• Multidimensional persistence, Zig-zag persistence
• Reeb graph, discrete Morse theory, Conley index,
• Path complex, Neighborhood complex, Dowker complex, hypergraph,
• hyperdigraph and their persistent homology and/or Laplacians
• Geometric anomaly detection, differential geometry, discrete exterior calculus
• Spectral graph, spectral simplicial complex, spectral hyper(di)graph
• Topological Laplacians and topological Diracs
• Persistent homology, persistent Laplacian, and other persistent forms
• Cellular Sheaves, periodic cell complex, periodic topology, and local topology
• Dimension reduction (manifold learning, Isomap, Laplacian eigenmaps, diffusion maps, UMAP, MAPPER, hyperbolic geometry, Poincaré embedding, etc)
• Geometric deep learning, graph neural network, simplex complex neural network

Target Dates:
• Manuscript submission Deadline: October 10, 2023 (Will be extended)
• Completion of Peer Reviews: December 10, 2023
• Publication Date: January 30, 2024

Guest Editors:
• Guowei Wei (, Michigan State University
• Jie Wu (, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA)
• Duc Nguyen (, University of Kentucky
• Kelin Xia (, Nanyang Technological UniversityMore detailed information can be found

TDA Postdoc – Personalized Medicine at Université de Paris

Francois Petit writes:

The team METHODS of the Centre de Recherche Epidémiologie et Statistiques/Université de Paris (CRESS-UMR1153) is looking for a post-doctoral fellow on an ANR-funded project (lead by Francois Petit).

The aim of the ToROTR project is to develop and study topological, geometric and statistical methods to develop optimal treatment rules and evaluate their robustness. This interdisciplinary project encompasses a diverse range of domains, including topological data analysis, causal inference, and machine learning. We warmly welcome applicants from various backgrounds who are eager to learn and explore new topics.

We are searching for a dedicated candidate with a strong mathematical background and a doctoral degree in mathematics, statistics, or machine learning, who possesses a keen interest in applying their skills to health sciences.

Candidates with strong expertise in topological data analysis and experience in coding and working with real data are very welcome.

Team: The team METHODS of CRESS, located at Hôtel-Dieu hospital in the center of Paris, is affiliated to Université Paris-Cité and Inserm. It offers a dynamic international research environment.

Education level: Doctoral degree in mathematics or (bio-)statistics or computer science
Duration: 12 months
How to Apply: Your application should include a cover letter with a brief account of your research interests and motivation for applying for the position, a resume and a complete list of publications, the name, and email address of 2 references.

The deadline to apply is the 15h of September 2023.