TDA Postdoc – Personalized Medicine at Université de Paris

Francois Petit writes:

The team METHODS of the Centre de Recherche Epidémiologie et Statistiques/Université de Paris (CRESS-UMR1153) is looking for a post-doctoral fellow on an ANR-funded project (lead by Francois Petit).

The aim of the ToROTR project is to develop and study topological, geometric and statistical methods to develop optimal treatment rules and evaluate their robustness. This interdisciplinary project encompasses a diverse range of domains, including topological data analysis, causal inference, and machine learning. We warmly welcome applicants from various backgrounds who are eager to learn and explore new topics.

We are searching for a dedicated candidate with a strong mathematical background and a doctoral degree in mathematics, statistics, or machine learning, who possesses a keen interest in applying their skills to health sciences.

Candidates with strong expertise in topological data analysis and experience in coding and working with real data are very welcome.

Team: The team METHODS of CRESS, located at Hôtel-Dieu hospital in the center of Paris, is affiliated to Université Paris-Cité and Inserm. It offers a dynamic international research environment.

Education level: Doctoral degree in mathematics or (bio-)statistics or computer science
Duration: 12 months
How to Apply: Your application should include a cover letter with a brief account of your research interests and motivation for applying for the position, a resume and a complete list of publications, the name, and email address of 2 references.

The deadline to apply is the 15h of September 2023.

Applied Topology Lectureship at Swansea University

Grigory Garkusha writes:
This is to bring to your attention the permanent Lectureship position in applied algebra or applied topology at the Mathematics Department of Swansea University. 

The deadline for applications is 4th September, 2023. All information can be found at the webpage:

TDA Postdoc in Grenoble

Rémi Molinier writes:

There is a one year Postdoc position in Grenoble to work on TDA applied to material science, as a part of the chair MAGNET of the MIAI institute of Grenoble, under the guidance of Noël Jakse and myself. The starting date should be before the end of December 2023. 

The goal is to construct topological descriptors for local environment of atoms to study cristal nucleation in alloys. This is the continuation of the work here which study only the case of monoatomic metals where the main issue will be to deal with different type of atoms.

We are looking for someone with an expertise in TDA and interested in applications. Experience of computing and working with data will be really appreciated. Knowledge and interest in physics and basics in machine learning is not mandatory but will be a plus.

To apply, interested candidates should send a CV with a list of publication and two reference letters to myself ( Feel free to contact me for any questions regarding the position of the project.

CfP: Computational Persistence 2023

The 3rd workshop on Computational Persistence will take place from Sep 25 to Sep 29 in hybrid mode at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. This workshop provides a forum to exchange ideas on computational aspects of topological persistence that fertilize advances in topological data analysis.

The schedule will be composed of invited and contributed talks on computational aspects of topological data analysis. Contributed talks can be suggested in the form of an abstract of at most two pages. A scientific committee will check the submissions and make a selection.

The first two issues of the workshop were online conferences – the upcoming workshop is the first one where on-site participation is possible. We encourage this option, but equally welcome submissions of researchers that attend remotely.

Deadline for abstracts of contributed talks: June 23, 2023
Notification of acceptance: July 14, 2023

Submission server:


Scientific committee:
Tamal Dey (Purdue)
Tao Hou (De Paul University)
Michael Kerber (Graz University of Technology)
Steve Oudot (INRIA Saclay)
Yusu Wang (Univ of California, San Diego)

Organizers: Tamal Dey, Michael Kerber, Soham Mukherjee, Shreyas Samaga, Tao Hou

3rd GTDAML, Northeastern University, June 8-10 2023

We would like to draw your attention to the “Third Graduate Student Conference: Geometry and Topology meet Data Analysis and Machine Learning” to be held at Northeastern University on June 8th to June 10th, 2023. 

The goal of the conference is to gather graduate students and postdocs to share their research work in applications of Geometry and Topology to Data Analysis and Machine Learning. The aim is to build bridges between academic institutions, and to enhance discussion and collaboration via poster sessions, short presentations, and discussion panels. A plenary lecture will be delivered by Prof. Justin Solomon (MIT).

We anticipate having some amount of funding to support students who would like to attend.  Registration details can be found in The deadline for applying for

financial support is May 10, 2023.

This is the third installment in the series of conferences (GDTAML 19’  and GTDAML 21’ ( and follows other synergistic activities run by the organizers in the past (e.g.,

Please contact the organizing committee via if you have any questions.

BIREP Summer School on Persistence Modules

Benedikt Fluhr writes:
Dear colleagues and investigators of applied topology,

we are pleased to announce the forthcoming BIREP summer school on persistence modules and the interplay of representation theory and topological data analysis.

This events program consists of a series of three talks by this years invited speaker Wojciech Chachólski (KTH Stockholm) as well as a number of different talks to be delivered by the participants.

Date: July 31–August 4, 2023

Location: Hotel Waldcafé Jäger, Bad Driburg, Germany

Registration Deadline: June 1, 2023

For more details, please visit our webpage or leave us a message at .

Kind regards, 
the organisers 
Raphael Bennett-Tennenhaus, Rudradip Biswas, Benedikt Fluhr, Jan-Paul Lerch, Janina Letz, and Julia Sauter

Danish-Swedish summer school on TDA and spatial statistics

Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce the Danish-Swedish summer school on TDA and spatial statistics to be held at Aalborg University from June 26-30, 2023.

The school is a five-day event with the aim of educating researchers to work at the interface of Topological Data Analysis (TDA) and Spatial Statistics. The principal target group are PhD students and postdocs in applied topology, statistics, and related subjects. Although dealing with similar problems, until recently there has been little interaction between TDA and spatial statistics. The summer school will thus be a major stepping stone for networking and knowledge sharing between these branches of applied topology and statistics.

The invited lecturers are:

    Wojciech Chachólski (KTH) TBA
    Anne Estrade (Université Paris Cité) The geometry of Gaussian fields
    Érika Roldán (MPI Leipzig) Topology and Geometry of Random Cubical Complexes
    Rasmus Waagepetersen (Aalborg University) Cox processes – mixed models for point processes

Further information and the registration can be found on the website

The registration fee of 50 Euros covers the lunches and coffee breaks; registration deadline: April 30, 2023.

We are looking forward to an inspiring event.

Best regards, the organizers
Christophe Biscio, Wojciech Chachólski, Ottmar Cronie, Lisbeth Fajstrup, Adélie Garin, Christian Hirsch, Martina Scolamiero

WASP TDA Postdoc at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden – deadline 14 December

Martina Scolamiero writes:
We currently have an open position for a two year postdoc to join our Topological Data Analysis group at the mathematics department of KTH in Stockholm.

The group has been growing lately and we are currently  two faculty members: Wojciech Chacholski and Martina Scolamiero, five postdocs and four PhD students.

We are interested in a variety of topics including: definition and computation of persistence based invariants, homological methods for the study of discrete dynamical systems, homological algebra for poset representations, applications to neuroscience and machine learning. 

The position is financed by WASP, which also offers great opportunities for networking and collaboration with researchers working in mathematical foundations of A.I. 

Return of the PSHT Seminar

Dear all,
We invite you to rejoin the Persistence, Sheaves and Homotopy Theory online seminar, held the second Tuesday of each month, from 3pm to 4:30pm CET. We send reminders and Zoom coordinates to the seminar’s mailing list closer to the seminar days. 

The aim of the seminar is to gather together the mathematical communities who have a common interest in the theoretical aspects of persistence, such as its connections to sheaf theory, homotopy theory, symplectic geometry, and representation theory.

Here is the program for the next two sessions; please visit the seminar’s website for abstracts:

November 8th, 3-4:30 pm CET:

– Ezra Miller (Duke university)
– Benjamin Blanchette (Université de Sherbrooke)

December 13th, 3-4:30 pm CET:

– Claudia Landi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
– Benedikt Fluhr (Technical University of Munich)

Mailing list:

Please don’t hesitate to spread the word with your colleagues and we hope to see you on November 8th!

Best regards,
Nicolas Berkouk, François Petit, and Luis Scoccola

Tenure Track Professorship at SUNY Albany

Justin Curry writes:

I want to bring to everyone’s attention a new tenure-track position at the University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY). We have several TDA faculty, such as Mike Lesnick and myself, and are actively trying to recruit an additional faculty member who can work with both the TDA and Machine Learning (ML) groups at UAlbany. Details for the job advertisement are below, but I want to emphasize that recruiting women faculty is a priority for us and is part of a recent Project SAGES grant. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me:

I also want to provide some personal advocacy for why you might consider joining me and Mike at UAlbany:

First and foremost, UAlbany is an extremely diverse R1 institution with a track record for promoting racial equity. Demographic data varies depending on the source, but approximately 17% of our students are black, 16% are Hispanic or Latino, 8% are Asian, and 4% are multi-racial. Many of our students come from the five boroughs of New York City and are first-generation college students. UAlbany has been regularly recognized for promoting social mobility as an affordable state school and our standing in many rankings have increased considerably over the past few years.

Secondly, UAlbany faculty have a strong union representation through United Union Professionals (UUP). As a result of this, we have great health insurance and annually-obligated 2% raises, which compounds with time, as well discretionary merit-based raises. From what I’ve heard, many schools do not have mandatory raises for their faculty.

Additionally, we are probably one of the few universities in the country with a pension plan for those who choose it. Optional 401k plans are also available and SUNY pays in more than you contribute.

Finally, Albany is a great place to live with plenty of interesting people and affordable housing to boot. Although the individual cities of Albany, Schenectady and Troy each have around 100k people, the Capital District as a whole has over a million people in it. This provides you with lots of possible lifestyles, ranging from the cute brownstones, restaurants and bars of LGBTQ-friendly Center Square (soon to be depicted in HBO’s Gilded Age alongside Troy) to the more quiet Princeton-esque hamlet of Delmar. In addition to a thriving arts scene, the area has lots of professionals: there are lots of jobs with the State of New York—since Albany is the capital—but also many people who work at GE, Regeneron, and GlobalFoundaries. Thanks in part to the CHIPS Act, this is only likely to increase. We have our own international airport, as well as convenient rail access to NYC (only 2 hours by Amtrak) and Boston (~3 hours). If these cities don’t interest you, there are also ample opportunities to hike in the nearby Berkshires, Catskills and Adirondacks, or go boating on one of our many lakes, such as Lake George. Of course, Upstate NY gets plenty of rain and snow, which is why it has so many apples and the most ski resorts of any state.

As you can see from the listing on MathJobs, the deadline for applications is far away: January 15th, 2023.

Unfortunately, candidates must apply through our own platform, which can be accessed here:

Please reach out if you’re interested in applying!