Online workshop “Beyond TDA–Persistent topology and its applications in data sciences“, August 28-30, 2021
Topological data analysis (TDA) and TDA-based machine learning models have achieved great successes in various areas, such as materials, chemistry, biology, sensor networks, shape analysis, scientific visualization, dynamics systems, and image/text/video/audio/graph data analysis. Beyond TDA, various other geometric, topological and combinatorial models have been developed for representation, featurization, and analysis, including:
- Multidimensional persistence, Zig-zag persistence, persistent local homology,
- Reeb graph, discrete Morse theory, Conley index,
- Path complex, Neighborhood complex, Dowker complex, hypergraph, and their persistent homology,
- Geometric anomaly detection, discrete geometry, discrete exterior calculus, etc,
- Spectral graph, spectral simplicial complex, spectral hypergraph, etc,
- Graph/Hodge/Tarski Laplacian, p-Laplacian, topological Dirac,
- Cellular Sheaves,
- Persistent functions, persistent spectral, persistent Ricci curvature, etc.
The application of these models in data analysis can be generalized into four stages, i.e., data, topology, feature and learning. Essentially, data are transformed into certain topological representations. Intrinsic geometric/topological/combinatorial features are obtained from these representations and then further input into learning models. This workshop is supported by School of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Confirmed Speakers:
Henry Adams, Colorado State University
Mattia G. Bergomi, Veos Digital, Milano
Ginestra Bianconi, Queen Mary University of London
Wojtek Chacholski, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Stefania Ebli, EPFL
Herbert Edelsbrunner, IST Austria
Massimo Ferri, University of Bologna
Patrizio Frosini, University of Bologna
Robert Ghrist, University of Pennsylvania
Jurgen Jost, Max Planck Institute
Claudia Landi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Ran Levi, University of Aberdeen
Konstantin Mischaikow, Rutgers
Vasileios Maroulas, University of Tennessee
Facundo Mémoli, Ohio State University
Marian Mrozek, Jagiellonian University
Sayan Mukherjee, Duke University
Vidit Nanda, Oxford
Andreas Ott, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Francesco Vaccarino, Politecnico di Torino
Guowei Wei, Michigan State University
Kelin Xia, Nanyang Technological University
Hiraoka Yasuaki, Kyoto University
Massimo Ferri (UNIBO, Italy)
Vidit Nanda (Oxford, UK)
Jie Wu (HEBTU, China)
Guowei Wei (MSU, USA)
Kelin Xia (NTU, Singapore)
More detailed information can be found here