Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce the Danish-Swedish summer school on TDA and spatial statistics to be held at Aalborg University from June 26-30, 2023.
The school is a five-day event with the aim of educating researchers to work at the interface of Topological Data Analysis (TDA) and Spatial Statistics. The principal target group are PhD students and postdocs in applied topology, statistics, and related subjects. Although dealing with similar problems, until recently there has been little interaction between TDA and spatial statistics. The summer school will thus be a major stepping stone for networking and knowledge sharing between these branches of applied topology and statistics.
The invited lecturers are:
Wojciech Chachólski (KTH) TBA
Anne Estrade (Université Paris Cité) The geometry of Gaussian fields
Érika Roldán (MPI Leipzig) Topology and Geometry of Random Cubical Complexes
Rasmus Waagepetersen (Aalborg University) Cox processes – mixed models for point processes
Further information and the registration can be found on the website
The registration fee of 50 Euros covers the lunches and coffee breaks; registration deadline: April 30, 2023.
We are looking forward to an inspiring event.
Best regards, the organizers
Christophe Biscio, Wojciech Chachólski, Ottmar Cronie, Lisbeth Fajstrup, Adélie Garin, Christian Hirsch, Martina Scolamiero