Journées de Géométrie Algorithmique, online workshop, May 30 – June 1

The French meeting on Computational Geometry (JGA — Journées de Géométrie Algorithmique) will be 100% virtual this year, and will take place the afternoons (French time) from:

Monday May 30th to Wednesday June 1st 2022.

We invite contributed talks both in French and in English, and particularly encourage PhD students and early career researchers to give presentations on their work (see below for registration).

***** DESCRIPTION *****

The JGA conference is dedicated to uniting members of the French research community interested in Computational Geometry and related fields, including but not restricted to algorithms and computational complexity, geometric and topological data analysis, combinatorics, computer graphics, discrete geometry, optimal transport and geometric measure theory, among other areas.

The conference is especially geared towards creating an environment for young members of the research community, including PhD students and postdocs, to present their recent results and to interact with other researchers. One of the main goals is to foster and encourage new ideas in a welcoming setting.

This year, we are happy to announce 3 keynotes by invited speakers:

-) Marthe Bonamy (CNRS-LaBRI)

-) Arnau Padrol (IMJ-PRG)

-) Gabriel Peyré (CNRS-ENS)

***** REGISTRATION *****

Registration is FREE but MANDATORY. The registration is open until May 20th.

All of the information regarding JGA 2022, as well as the registration page, are available on the conference website:

Please feel free to distribute this announcement as widely as possible.


– Mathieu Carrière (INRIA)

– Kristóf Huszár (INRIA)

– Clément Maria (INRIA)

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