A virtual Hot Topics workshop on Topological Insights in Neuroscience will be hosted by MSRI, May 4 – 7 and 10-11, 2021. The talks in this workshop will present a wide array of current applications of topology in neuroscience, including classification and synthesis of neuron morphologies, analysis of synaptic plasticity, algebraic analysis of the neural code, topological analysis of neural networks and their dynamics, topological decoding of neural activity, diagnosis of traumatic brain injuries, and topological biomarkers for psychiatric disease. Some of the talks will be devoted to promising new directions in algebraic topology that have been inspired by neuroscience.
Speakers include:
• Ann Blevins (University of Pennsylvania) • Benjamin Dunn (NTNU)
• Daniela Egas Santander ( EPFL)
• Tim Gentner (Univ. California, San Diego) • Vladimir Itskov (Pennsylvania State University)
• Lida Kanari (EPFL)
• Matilde Marcolli (California Institute of Technology)
• Ezra Miller (Duke University)
• Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers University)
• Alice Patania (Indiana University)
• Jose Perea (Michigan State University) • Xaq Pitkow (Rice University) • Manish Saggar (Stanford University School of Medicine)
• Martina Scolamiero (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH))
• Tatyana Sharpee (The Salk Institute for Biological Studies)
• Katharine Turner (Australian National University)
• Bei Wang (University of Utah)
• Yusu Wang (Univ. California, San Diego)
(NB: The dates of the workshop have changed somewhat from the first announcement, to enable us to schedule shorter days, in hopes of reducing Zoom fatigue and enabling participants to attend live from across a wider range ot time zones.)
Registration is now open, on the workshop webpage. This workshop will be held online, in Pacific Standard Time. The Zoom link is provided to those who register for the workshop.
If you would like to give a contributed talk, please apply using this form by April 1.