Postdoc in Applied TDA at INRIA Saclay

In the setting of a collaboration with the “Institut Français du Pétrole et des Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN)” ( ),  the DataShape team at Inria ( )  invites applications for a 3-years researcher position in Topological Data Analysis (TDA).

The research  activities will be mainly driven by concrete practical data science problems. The objectives will focus on the development of new TDA methods and tools, their effective use on problems of interest for IFPEN, and their theoretical analysis.  

We seek outstanding candidates with  research skills in TDA and strong interest for real applications. Good programming skills and some knowledge and experience in statistics and machine learning will be a plus.   

Interested candidates should contact Frédéric Chazal and Marc Glisse by email (  / ) with a detailed CV.      

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