The Institute of Mathematics in Aberdeen is advertising a 12 months postdoctoral position funded by the Scottish Chief Scientist Office. This is an exciting opportunity to join a successful multidisciplinary research group and drive forward a unique and ground-breaking clinical project in Fast-Field Cycling and 3T MRI. An enthusiastic individual is sought for this Chief Scientist Office funded project which aims to characterise and quantify FFC-MRI changes in stroke patients by means of topological data analysis and machine learning.
Applicants should have a PhD in applied and computational topology, with significant skill in computing and data analysis. Experience in TDA assisted image analysis is desirable.
The institute of Mathematics at the University of Aberdeen boasts an active group in applied and computational topology lead by Prof. Ran Levi. Research within the group is geared specifically but not exclusively towards applications of topology to neuroscience. Following on from the first human MRI scanner which was developed on the same site, the University of Aberdeen MR Physics team have constructed two functioning first-ever whole-body Fast Field-Cycling scanners. Fast Field-Cycling MRI is a novel type of scanning which uncovers unique information about tissues which is invisible to traditional MRI scanners. The successful post-holder will work in collaboration with a research team comprising of experts in clinical research, MRI and computer science. The aim will be to maximise data acquisition in a further stroke cohort, and contribute to developing methods of data extraction and analysis by methodology of topological data analysis and machine learning algorithms, which will be relevant to pursuing future clinical application of this exciting new technology.
The post is funded for 12 months. Start date will be 1st September 2021, or slightly later, subject to agreement with the successful candidate.
The position is intended for a person holding a PhD in applied and computational topology or computer science with a strong interest in studying and applying theoretical and computational tools of algebraic topology to neuroscience, and medical research. Experience in high level computations and/or applied algebraic topology would be an advantage. Knowledge of neuroscience is not required
The position is currently advertised is open for applications now
Application deadline is 4 April 2021.
informal inquiries are very welcome. Please email
Yeah, as you know, the fruitful post-holder will work in a joint effort with an examination group containing specialists in clinical exploration, MRI, and software engineering. The point will be to augment information procurement in a further stroke partner and add to creating strategies for information extraction and investigation by the philosophy of topological information examination and AI calculations, which will be pertinent to seeking after the future clinical use energizing innovation.