TDA Postdoc in Grenoble

Rémi Molinier writes:

There is a one year Postdoc position in Grenoble to work on TDA applied to material science, as a part of the chair MAGNET of the MIAI institute of Grenoble, under the guidance of Noël Jakse and myself. The starting date should be before the end of December 2023. 

The goal is to construct topological descriptors for local environment of atoms to study cristal nucleation in alloys. This is the continuation of the work here which study only the case of monoatomic metals where the main issue will be to deal with different type of atoms.

We are looking for someone with an expertise in TDA and interested in applications. Experience of computing and working with data will be really appreciated. Knowledge and interest in physics and basics in machine learning is not mandatory but will be a plus.

To apply, interested candidates should send a CV with a list of publication and two reference letters to myself ( Feel free to contact me for any questions regarding the position of the project.

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