Tenure track job opening in TDA at the University of Oklahoma

MathJobs Site: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs?joblist-201-10918

Departmental Site: http://www.math.ou.edu/jobs/2018/TDA.php

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Oklahoma is experiencing an exciting multi-year period of growth and development. We are seeking to expand upon the strengths of our Geometry and Topology groups and to develop a program in Computational Geometry or Applied Topology. We encourage dynamic and innovative individuals to apply for a full-time, tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Computational Geometry or Applied Topology beginning August 2018. A higher rank appointment may be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Normal duties consist of teaching two courses per semester, conducting research, and rendering service to the department, university, and profession.


The position requires an earned doctorate and research interests that complement and extend the strengths of the department. Current teams in the department include: functional and geometric analysis, partial differential equations and dynamical systems, numerical analysis, automorphic forms and number theory, representation theory, geometric group theory, topology, Riemannian geometry, and research in undergraduate mathematics education.

This is a new position intended to open new horizons in mathematical research especially bridging the gap between topology/geometry and data science. We seek strong candidates with proven expertise in the emerging areas of computational topology, topological data analysis, computational geometry and geometric inference among others. We invite exceptional candidates in these areas whose research interests may include a strong computational component working with data to apply. The department intends to grow this area with more hires expected in the coming years. This initiative also dovetails with a larger initiative by the university to hire in areas that combine traditional faculty lines with data science: at least two searches are being conducted in parallel in digital humanities and computational neurobiology at the college level which are intended to bolster the university’s commitment to programs in big data and data science.

Preference will be given to applicants with postdoctoral experience and with a demonstrated potential for excellence in research and teaching.

In addition to interacting with faculty in the department, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to work on interdisciplinary projects with researchers around campus with needs in analyzing large data sets.

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