A TDA Guide to the Joint Mathematics Meetings

Topological Data Analysis is getting traction all over, and this upcoming Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Diego has a surprisingly wide spread of activity relevant for TDA. I looked through the schedule, and here is a selection.

Wed. 11.10:
Gunnar Carlsson: Topological Modeling of Complex Data

One of AMS’s main keynote speakers this year is Gunnar Carlsson, who talks about topological data analysis for a very wide audience.

Wed 14.15; Fri 8.00; Sat 8.00:
AMS Special Session: Topological Data Analysis

Anyone giving a keynote has dedicated special sessions connected to their topic. Henry Adams and Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson are organizing one on Topological Data Analysis.


14.15: Tegan Emerson – Persistence Images for Differentiating Class Based Network Structures.
14.45: Yasuaki Hiraoka – Machine learnings on persistence diagrams and materials structural analysis.
15.15: Leo Carlsson – Topology in the Furnace: Using the Mapper Algorithm as a Data Analysis Tool to Evaluate an Electric Arc Furnace Energy Model.
15.45: Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson – Fibres of Failure: diagnosing predictive models using Mapper.
16.15: Florian T Pokorny – Data-Driven Topological Methods for Reasoning about Motion.
16.45: Anastasiia Varava – Topological and Geometric Methods in Robotic Manipulation and Path Planning.
17.15: Rae Helmreich – Persistent homology and probabilistic models of the Gaussian primes.
17:45: Bala Krishnamoorthy – Maximal interesting paths in the Mapper.


8.00: Greg Malen – Dense Random Clique Complexes.
8.30: Facundo Memoli – Stable signatures for dynamic metric spaces via persistent homology.
9.00: Lori Beth Ziegelmeier – A Complete Characterization of the 1-Dimensional Intrinsic Cech Persistence Diagrams for Metric Graphs.
9.30: Benjamin Schweinhart – Persistent Homology and Fractal Dimension.
10.00: Gregory Henselman – Morse-Witten Theory for Real Operators.
10.30: Jan Segert – On the Structural Theorem of Persistent Homology.


8.00: Henry Adams – The theory of Vietoris-Rips complexes.
8.30: Adam Jaffe – Vietoris-Rips Complexes of Regular Polygons.
9.00: Florian Frick – Metric reconstruction via optimal transport.
9.30: Satyan L Devadoss – Unfoldings of cubes never overlap.
10.00: Eddie Aamari – Estimating the Reach of a Manifold.
10.30: Anastasios Stefanou – Interleavings on categories with coherent -action.
11.00: Radmila Sazdanovic – Persistence-Based Summaries for Metric Graphs.
11.30: Osman B Okutan – Approximating metric spaces with Reeb type graphs.


Other sources

In addition to the talks related to Gunnar Carlsson’s keynote, there has been a wide spread of relevant talks showing up elsewhere; including three undergraduate research projects. The ones I found are:


8.00: Nima Rakesh –Analyzing RGB Images using Topology: How to use discrete Morse theory to study crime data.
8.00: Boyan Xu – Delay embeddings and topological time series analysis.
9.00: Helene Barcelo – Discrete cubical homology groups.
9.00: Ted Theodosopoulus –Persistent homology measures of stochastic network models.
9.30: BI Mahler –Flooding filtration on directed networks.
10.15: Killian F Meehan – Persistence and stability for the quiver 
10.30: David C Meyer –Generalized persistence modules and taking limits.
10.45: Maria Gommel – Using Topology to Study the Brain: An Analysis of fMRI data using TDA.


11.30: Mark C Agrios – Simplicial Homology and Neural Networks: An analysis of biological neural networks using persistent homology.


8.30: Eleni Panagiotou – Topological Approaches for Characterizing in Polymeric Materials the Local and Global Entanglement of Polymer Chains Relevant to Viscoelastic Mechanical Responses.
10.45: Greg Dreifus – A Topological and Algebraic Model for 3D Printing.


16.15: Allison Sullivan – Topological Modeling of Force Networks in Granular Material.
16.30: Alisa Leshchenko –  Adaptive Mapper.
16.45: Xiaojun Zheng – Topological Data Analysis on Simple English Wikipedia Articles.

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