“This is my research” contributed video campaign

We invite members of our community to contribute short videos (5-20 minutes) to the AATRN YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/AppliedAlgebraicTopologyNetwork.

In particular, over Summer and Fall 2022, we are soliciting contributions with the theme “This is my research”. The idea behind this theme is that you create a short video introducing your main topic of research. Think of this as an elevator pitch, in which you want to describe the main motivations for your research in a short period of time. Please submit your video by October 20, 2022 to have it appear in the first “This is my research” YouTube playlist. Or submit it already before then to make your video appear on Youtube even earlier.

With this campaign, our goal is to advertise the diversity of research topics represented by our community. We hope that your video can help attract more attention to the type of problems you work on. We’d encourage you to link to this video from your personal webpage, and vice-versa. We hope that your video helps introduce you to more members of our community. While this is especially important for early career researchers, we encourage researchers at all stages of their careers to participate!

In addition to the “This is my research” contributed video campaign, we are also interested in sharing any videos you’d like to make on any topic related to applied topology, broadly interpreted. You could submit a tutorial video explaining a topic in applied topology to newcomers. Or, you could submit an expository video describing the work of others (be sure to acknowledge the work of others appropriately, including figures; see https://www.aatrn.net/ethics). Or, you could submit a short video describing your latest research project. Or, a video related to outreach and teaching. Etc. We invite you to come up with new ideas! Videos in any language are welcome.

For more details, including some frequently asked questions, please see the “Video Contributions” section at the bottom of the webpage https://www.aatrn.net/participate. Linked from there you will also find the google form with instructions for how to submit your video. After checking out the webpage and the google form, if you have any questions, please email us at aatrn.director@gmail.com!

Best, the AATRN directors

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