Join us in making Applied Topology tutorials!

Dear Colleagues,

AATRN (Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network) and WinCompTop (Women in Computational Topology) are hosting another tutorial-a-thon, where participants create ten-minute YouTube videos on subjects related to applied topology (broadly interpreted). 

We will meet Thursday, January 30 at 11:00am Eastern time (UTC-5) for a kick-off event, where participants will split into groups to meet in subsequent weeks to practice and record videos. In addition to creating useful content for the community, this event is also a great way to meet new mathematicians! We particularly encourage early career individuals to participate. Please see the webpage and fill out the interest form to receive more information. 

Best, the organizers:
Henry Adams,
Hana Dal Poz Kouřimská,
Teresa Heiss,
Sarah Percival, and
Lori Ziegelmeier

With thanks to AATRN and WinCompTop.

Playlists from last tutorial-a-thons:

first tutorial-a-thon playlist

Associated article in the AMS Notices:

AATRN/APATG poster session on Gather.Town, September 20

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing the third AATRN virtual poster session, this time jointly organized with APATG (Asia Pacific Applied Topology and Geometry seminar group). Our goal is to give a platform for younger members of our community to showcase their work, as well as a place for everyone to present their most recent research results. Topics of interest will span the full range of applied and computational topology.

The poster session will take place on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, at 9:00-10:30 Central European Summer Time (UTC+2) = 16:00-17:30 Japan Standard Time (UTC+9). The webpage for the poster sessions is at

To submit a poster title and abstract, please fill out the registration form at
by Monday, September 5th, 2022.

The poster session shall be held on Gather.Town. The exact details for joining the event as an audience member will be shared a week prior to the event, however only with the AATRN and the APATG mailing lists (or if necessary, you can also obtain the details by sending an email to a week prior to the event). The details will be communicated to poster presenters directly a week before the event.

Best wishes,
Henry Adams, Hana Dal Poz Kouřimská, Emerson G. Escolar, Teresa Heiss, Yasu Hiraoka, Antonio Rieser, Vanessa Robins, D Yogeshwaran

“This is my research” contributed video campaign

We invite members of our community to contribute short videos (5-20 minutes) to the AATRN YouTube channel

In particular, over Summer and Fall 2022, we are soliciting contributions with the theme “This is my research”. The idea behind this theme is that you create a short video introducing your main topic of research. Think of this as an elevator pitch, in which you want to describe the main motivations for your research in a short period of time. Please submit your video by October 20, 2022 to have it appear in the first “This is my research” YouTube playlist. Or submit it already before then to make your video appear on Youtube even earlier.

With this campaign, our goal is to advertise the diversity of research topics represented by our community. We hope that your video can help attract more attention to the type of problems you work on. We’d encourage you to link to this video from your personal webpage, and vice-versa. We hope that your video helps introduce you to more members of our community. While this is especially important for early career researchers, we encourage researchers at all stages of their careers to participate!

In addition to the “This is my research” contributed video campaign, we are also interested in sharing any videos you’d like to make on any topic related to applied topology, broadly interpreted. You could submit a tutorial video explaining a topic in applied topology to newcomers. Or, you could submit an expository video describing the work of others (be sure to acknowledge the work of others appropriately, including figures; see Or, you could submit a short video describing your latest research project. Or, a video related to outreach and teaching. Etc. We invite you to come up with new ideas! Videos in any language are welcome.

For more details, including some frequently asked questions, please see the “Video Contributions” section at the bottom of the webpage Linked from there you will also find the google form with instructions for how to submit your video. After checking out the webpage and the google form, if you have any questions, please email us at!

Best, the AATRN directors

Postdoc Position in Aalborg

Lisbeth Fajstrup needs a postdoc in Aalborg Denmark for a project on Nanoporosity of Amorphous materials using TDA.
The project requires understanding of TDA and moreover computational skills – to implement the new ideas.


What we offer:
We offer a postdoc position within the Department of Mathematical Sciences as part of the project “Deciphering Nanoporosity of Amorphous Materials using Topological Data Analysis”. The selected candidate will be conducting research supervised by Lisbeth Fajstrup and Christophe A.N. Biscio and in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience to find new topological descriptors of porosity. The selected candidate will visit Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA for 4 months to collaborate with Staff Scientist Dmitriy Morozov.

What we request:
The selected candidate will hold a PhD in Mathematics or a related field and will have promising research results within Topological Data Analysis, Computational Topology or related subjects.
The project to which the postdoc will contribute involves developing new computational topological methods to describe variations of the free volume and in particular tunnels in amorphous materials and implementation of such insight as a tool. This will require a strong background in Topological Data Analysis either computational or theoretical.

Salary and benefits
Please contact International Staff Unit for information regarding salary and taxes. Courses in Danish will be offered if needed.

Working and living in Aalborg and Denmark
The city of Aalborg is lively with a wide variety of music and cultural events, top notch restaurants, fresh air and easy access to natural parks, forests, and great beaches.

As employee at Aalborg University you will obtain health insurance as a resident of Denmark, this also includes family members officially residing in Denmark.

Deadline for application is Jun 9th.

More information at the end of the link below.

New Slack channel for basic geometry & topology questions

We added a new channel for basic geometry & topology questions to the popular Slack workspace “Geometry & Topology in ML”. Despite the name of the workspace, there is no machine learning background needed for this particular channel. We are looking forward to your questions and answers. 

To see/write messages in this new channel, you need to join the whole Slack workspace “Geometry & Topology in ML”: Invite link
You can afterwards subscribe/unsubscribe to/from the various channels according to your interest.

Example questions:

  1. Why do we need assumption X in Theorem Y? What would be a counterexample?
  2. What is a good reference for reading up on a sheaf theoretic approach to persistent homology?
  3. I read about algorithm X, and understand every line, but lack intuition: What is the big picture idea behind it?

We hope this new channel will be a nice addition to the already existing geometry and topology Q&As (This list undoubtedly has unintentional omissions; please let us know if you have recommended additions): (with different tags for different sub-fields of mathematics), 
– The ALGTOP-L discord: 
– There are a variety of webpages and list-servs, such as, ALGTOP-L, WinCompTop, compgeom-announce, that sometimes have geometry and topology Q&As, but are more focused on announcements (conferences, job postings, etc).

We want to encourage people who are rather new to (applied/computational) geometry and topology, in particular, to ask questions!

Best wishes,
Bastian Rieck, Niklas Hellmer, Teresa Heiss

AATRN poster session

Dear applied topologists,

We (Henry, Antonio, Hanka, Teresa) are organizing open poster sessions via Zoom, with the intention of giving a platform to younger members of our community to showcase their work, as well as a place for everyone to present their most recent research results. Topics of interest will span the full range of applied and computational topology.

The webpage for the poster sessions is at

The sessions will be two hours long, and our first poster session will take place on Friday, October 8th, 2021 at 11am Eastern time. To submit a title and abstract, by September 24 please fill out the registration form at

Zoom coordinates and the website with the program will be sent out to the AATRN email list several days before each poster session.

Best wishes,
Henry Adams, Hana Dal Poz Kouřimská, Teresa Heiss, Antonio Rieser