We are currently accepting applications for a virtual Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) for next summer (2022). Please forward this invitation to undergraduate students who may be interested. The priority application deadline is February 1, 2022.
The REU is under the co-mentorship of Dr. Jessi Cisewski-Kehe (UW-Madison, Statistics) and Dr. Brittany Terese Fasy (Montana State, Computer Science & Mathematics). This REU will provide research experience for two undergraduates on statistical approaches to topological data analysis (TDA). Research projects will address challenges in working with complex data at the intersection of statistics, computer science, and mathematics with the possibility of applications, such as in astronomy.
The expected duration of the REU is 8 weeks, with an approximate start date of 1 June 2022. The REU includes a weekly stipend plus $2000 for sustenance allowance.
If you are interested in this position, please fill out the application linked below.
Application: https://montana.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_251O1kVcegarr9Q
More information about our TDA research collaboration: https://comptag.github.io/topostat/
Best wishes,
Jessi Cisewski-Kehe (jjkehe@wisc.edu)
Brittany T. Fasy (brittany.fasy@montana.edu)