We are pleased to announce that next year’s Young Topologists Meeting will take place between 12-16 July 2021 in Stockholm, jointly organized by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University.
The intention of the conference is to create a setting in which young researchers in topology can meet each other and share their work. The program will consist of short talks given by the participants and three lecture series by invited speakers. This meeting serves as a replacement for the YTM 2020, which had to be cancelled because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In particular the invited speakers are the same ones that were invited for this year’s edition: Kathryn Hess (EPFL), Thomas Nikolaus (WWU Münster) and Karen Vogtmann (Cornell University and University of Warwick).
More information will be available soon on the conference website https://sites.google.com/view/ytm2021. We plan to open the registration mid-December.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers at youngtopologistsmeeting@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm!
Kind regards,
The organizers
Thomas Blom
Tobias Grøsfjeld
Louis Hainaut
Alvin Jin
Erik Lindell
Robin Stoll
Francesca Tombari