Dear colleagues,
We are organizing the third AATRN virtual poster session, this time jointly organized with APATG (Asia Pacific Applied Topology and Geometry seminar group). Our goal is to give a platform for younger members of our community to showcase their work, as well as a place for everyone to present their most recent research results. Topics of interest will span the full range of applied and computational topology.
The poster session will take place on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, at 9:00-10:30 Central European Summer Time (UTC+2) = 16:00-17:30 Japan Standard Time (UTC+9). The webpage for the poster sessions is at
To submit a poster title and abstract, please fill out the registration form at
by Monday, September 5th, 2022.
The poster session shall be held on Gather.Town. The exact details for joining the event as an audience member will be shared a week prior to the event, however only with the AATRN and the APATG mailing lists (or if necessary, you can also obtain the details by sending an email to a week prior to the event). The details will be communicated to poster presenters directly a week before the event.
Best wishes,
Henry Adams, Hana Dal Poz Kouřimská, Emerson G. Escolar, Teresa Heiss, Yasu Hiraoka, Antonio Rieser, Vanessa Robins, D Yogeshwaran