In recent years, advances in topological data analysis have been fuelled by progresses on both fronts of mathematics and algorithms. This workshop intends to focus on the computational aspects of topological persistence that is central to this development. Diverse applications of topological persistence hinge on the capability of the algorithms to handle scale and noise in data. We hope that this workshop in its second year, termed as “Computational Persistence 2022“, provides a forum to exchange ideas on developing efficient, robust, application-driven algorithms backed up by solid mathematics.
The workshop is scheduled for one of the weeks of the year when Paris/Berlin/Vienna/Milan/etc. are 5 hours ahead of New York City instead of the usual 6. The preliminary schedule can be found here.
Please register for the workshop and feel free to send the registration link to others who you think will benefit from attending the workshop, the zoom links will be sent only to those who register.
Dates: October 31-November 4, 2022
Venue: Online
- Tamal K. Dey, Purdue University (tamaldey at purdue dot edu)
- Tao Hou, DePaul University (thou1 at depaul dot edu)
- Abhishek Rathod, Purdue University (arathod at purdue dot edu)