PhD student position on Topological Study of Molecular Braids, VU Amsterdam

I have an open position for a PhD student (fully-funded, 4 years) to work on the project “Topological study of molecular braids”. 

More information can be found here:

Please forward to anyone who might be interested. 

Dr Senja Barthel
Assistant professor in mathematics
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Applied Topology Day, September 30 2022, VU Amsterdam

On September 30 there will be a one-day meeting on applied topology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The goal of the meeting is to bring together researchers in the Netherlands who are interested in topology and its applications.


  • Renee Hoekzema (VU Amsterdam)
  • Tim Ophelders (TU Eindhoven, Utrecht)
  • Rien van de Weijgaert (Groningen)
  • Roland van der Veen (Groningen)
  • Jo Ellis-Monaghan (University of Amsterdam)

For more information and a link to the registration form please visit:

Please sign up before September 11.

CfP – APCT Special Issue: Random Topology, September 30 2022

Call for Papers on Random Topology

Guest Editors: D. Yogeshwaran (Indian Statistical Institute, India) and
Omer Bobrowski  (Technion, Israel),  e-mail:
APCT Editor: Robert Adler (Technion, Israel)

Studies on the geometry of spatial random structures (e.g., random graphs, sets and fields) have naturally led to the research of the topology of such structures, forming the relatively new field of Random Topology.  Questions in this area are often motivated by the desire to explore higher-dimensional versions of classical lower-dimensional results, as well as by applications in Topological Data Analysis. This special issue will group together a variety of topics at the intersections of Topology, Probability, Combinatorics, and Statistics, with the aim of highlighting recent developments in Random Topology and related fields.  We already have commitments for a number of papers by some of the leading researchers in this area and we would like to invite more  papers exploring both applied and theoretical aspects of Random Topology. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,

  • Topology of random simplicial complexes
  • Topology of Gaussian random fields
  • Higher-order Laplacians and spectral properties
  • Random walks on simplicial complexes
  • High-dimensional percolation
  • Random knots
  • Topological inference

Papers will be posted electronically as they are refereed and accepted.

Deadline : December 31, 2022

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the submission guidelines of the journal.

All papers must be submitted to the journal’s submission system. During the submission stage, please select “Yes” for the question “Does this manuscript belong to a special feature?” in Additional Information tab, then select a special feature “S.I. : Random Topology”.

Computational Persistence 2022, Online Workshop

In recent years, advances in topological data analysis have been fuelled by progresses on both fronts of mathematics and algorithms. This workshop intends to focus on the computational aspects of topological persistence that is central to this development. Diverse applications of topological persistence hinge on the capability of the algorithms to handle scale and noise in data. We hope that this workshop in its second year, termed as “Computational Persistence 2022“, provides a forum to exchange ideas on developing efficient, robust, application-driven algorithms backed up by solid mathematics.

The workshop is scheduled for one of the weeks of the year when Paris/Berlin/Vienna/Milan/etc. are 5 hours ahead of New York City instead of the usual 6. The preliminary schedule can be found here

Please register for the workshop and feel free to send the registration link to others who you think will benefit from attending the workshop, the zoom links will be sent only to those who register.

Dates: October 31-November 4, 2022
Venue: Online


  • Tamal K. Dey, Purdue University (tamaldey at purdue dot edu)
  • Tao Hou, DePaul University (thou1 at depaul dot edu)
  • Abhishek Rathod, Purdue University (arathod at purdue dot edu)

One-day Meeting on Persistent Homology and Applications at University of Plymouth, September 12 2022

Dear all,
I am pleased to announce a one-day meeting on Persistent Homology and Applications which will take place at the

University of Plymouth, on 12 September.

This event is supported by a LMS Celebrating New Appointments Scheme 9 grant.

There will be three talks given by Jacek Brodzki (University of Southampton), Jeffrey Herschel Giansiracusa (Durham University) and Mariam Pirashvili (the grant recipient).

Further information and registration are available atPersistent homology and applications – University of Plymouth

Topology of Data in Rome, September 15-16, 2022

Date: September 15-16, 2022

Location: Department of Mathematics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy



Katherine Benjamin, Ryan Budney, Wojtek Chacholski, Pawel Dłotko, Barbara Giunti, Kelly Maggs, Anibal Medina, Bastian Rieck.

The conference will be held in person. Registration is open and free via the webform

The workshop will include a poster session. Candidates for the poster session are encouraged to send their titles and abstracts, 500 words maximum, to the organizers via email to by August 15th, specifying full name, email address, and affiliation.

See you in Rome!

Paolo Salvatore and Sara Scaramuccia

3rd Upstate New York Topology Seminar

UNYTS 2022: 3rd Upstate New York Topology Seminar
Syracuse University, October 22, 2022

This is a one-day regional in-person topology conference focussing on algebraic and low-dimensional topology. There will be three plenary talks, given by Francesco Lin, Allison N. Miller, and Martina Rovelli, as well as parallel sessions. For these, we have an open call for speakers, with preference given to early-career participants (students, postdocs, and tenure-track professors) and to regional speakers (from the broad region of New York State and nearby). Apply to speak when you register (submit a title and short abstract there). 

We have just received news of funding from the NSF, mostly for accommodation, with priority given to early career participants.

Website and Registration:

Important: To have an idea of the potential number of attendees, we would appreciate it if you could register by September 1. The deadline for requesting to speak in the parallel sessions is September 1.

Contact information: Claudia Miller and Stephan Wehrli

[short deadline] Postdoc, Network Science and Applied Topology, Queen Mary University of London

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant based at Queen Mary University London, working with Professor Ginestra Bianconi (Queen Mary) and Dr Ruben Sanchez-Garcia (University of Southampton) on the project ‘Using network science to quantify the geometry of “missingness”‘.

This is an exciting new project funded by Alan Turing Institute ( and Roche ( to generate insights into disease, patient, and outcome heterogeneity using advanced analytics.
Our project combines methods of network science and applied topology with information theory to develop a data driven mathematical and computational platform to extract and analyse the geometrical organisation of missing data in complex, heterogeneous datasets.

We are looking for candidates with, or about to obtain, a PhD degree in mathematics, physics, or computer science or an equivalent level of professional qualifications and experience. They should have research experience in a field closely related to one or more of the following subjects: network science, data science, applied topology. We expect candidates to have some coding experience (e.g. python, R, MATLAB), preferably in handling large, complex data sets, and an interest in biomedical data.

The deadline is very soon (August, 1st) with interviews shortly after. For more information, please see

[short deadline] PhD position in Computational Geometry and Motion Planning, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

Doctoral student position in data-driven geometric methods for robotics  at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Application Deadline 8th August 2022

Application website:

In this project, we will develop simplicial complex-based robot configuration space models for embodiment-aware robot motion planning and learning from demonstration. We will develop extremely large scale and detailed data-driven simplicial complex-based models of robot arm configuration spaces that represent the complex geometry that they exhibit. Based upon these representations we will develop algorithms for efficient updates, optimal motion planning and probabilistic reasoning for robotic manipulation. The project will be highly interdisciplinary as it lies at the intersection of Computational Geometry, Motion Planning, Bayesian Machine Learning and Optimal Control.

The doctoral student will be supervised by Associate Professor Florian Pokorny

The position is at the division of Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL) at KTH.

For more information feel free to reach out to Associate Professor Florian Pokorny,

For more information on our research, please visit

and you can apply here:

Postdoc, Dioscuri Centre for TDA

Paweł Dłotko writes:

I would like to invite you (and your students) to join us at the Dioscuri Centre in Topological Data Analysis located in the Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Together with me, we have 3 postdoctoral researchers, 4 PhD students, a group of interns and a wide group of collaborators in various disciplines of science and the industry. Our task is to bring mathematics, especially topology, to the scientific and industrial practice. You can find more about us on our webpage:

As well as our Facebook and Twitter page.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have.Note the short application deadline!!

Please find more details here: