We wish to announce the upcoming block course
Stochastic Topology
TU Berlin (Germany), March 16-20, 2020
Block Course Lecturers:
Omer Bobrowski (Technion)
Matthew Kahle (Ohio State, TU Berlin)
J. Andrew Newman (TU Berlin)
Yuval Peled (NYU Courant Institute)
Stochastic topology began in the mid-twentieth century with the study
of random graphs, that is, random 1-dimensional spaces. More recently,
several models of random high-dimensional simplicial complexes have been
introduced. Some of the most important questions in stochastic topology
have to do with establishing thresholds for various topological properties
within these models. This course will begin with an overview of the
standard combinatorial and geometric models, and then we will explore
some of the techniques that have been used to study them.
The block course is organized within the third Berlin Thematic Einstein
Semester on the “Geometric and Topological Structure of Materials”,
devoted to recent developments in the field of computational materials science.
please register via
Financial Support:
There is limited financial support for attendance.
The deadline for support applications (via the registration form)
*** January 23, 2020 ***
(Notification is by January 30, 2020.)
We are hopeful of encouraging people from a wide variety of scientific
and mathematical backgrounds to attend. Any queries can be addressed
to the organizing committee at