This summer, NASA Glenn Research Center is hosting several internship opportunities for topology students. The past several years, we have had interns working on a variety of projects in applied topology. Past topics have included networking, machine learning, and robotics.
This year, we are hoping to continue several existing research and start some new exciting projects. We are open to suggestions, and the following list of topics should be considered more for inspiration than as a prescription:
- Applications of sheaves to communications networks in space
- Continue development of sheaf-based networking approaches
- Introduce new sheaf-based networking concepts
- Construct implementations using software (i.e. Pysheaf)
- Continue work from previous papers such as:
- Schedule optimization for networks using tropical geometry
- Develop parallel tools for computing shortest paths (i.e. PyCUDA)
- Leverage matrices over tropical min-plus semirings
- Possibly explore the deformation theory of tropical schemes
- New project for 2021
- Derive the coordinate-free Vlasov equation using differential forms
- Inspired by topological electromagnetism as in:
- Towards a topological theory for plasmas
- New project for 2021
Please encourage your students to apply at (Note – the opportunities might not be visible without an account). Applications are due by March 5, 2021. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me ( or Alan Hylton (