Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to announce the online workshop Bridging Applied and Quantitative Topology, to take place virtually during the week of May 9-13, Monday to Friday, 2022:
Topics of interest include Vietoris-Rips complexes, nerve lemmas, manifold reconstruction, Kuratowski embeddings, metric thickenings, the tight span, the filling radius, Gromov-Hausdorff distances, optimal transport, homotopies of bounded size, geometric group theory, topological combinatorics, geometric topology, etc., and this is far from an exhaustive list. This workshop is co-hosted by the Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network (AATRN) and the TGDA Group at The Ohio State University.
Most days of the workshop will consist of three 35 minute long talks (in 50-minute slots), 8am-11am Eastern Daylight Time = 2pm-5pm Central European Summer Time. Each talk will be followed by a discussion period intended to foster a productive conversation between the speaker and the audience.
In addition to invited talks, there will be a virtual poster session on Wednesday, May 11, at 9am Eastern Daylight Time = 3pm Central European Summer Time. Early career researchers are especially encouraged to participate. The registration form to contribute to the poster session will be open until Wednesday, April 20, at the following link:
A list of confirmed speakers is available at
We hope to see you there!
The organizers,
Henry Adams, Johnathan Bush, Sunhyuk Lim, and Facundo Mémoli