Graz University of Technology offers two PhD positions in the Institute of Geometry. The research area is computational geometry and topology. Possible topics include topological data analysis, connections of discrete geometry and topology, design and analysis of algorithms in computational topology.
We offer a 4-year university assistant position (30 h/week) with a net salary of approximately 23,000 EUR per year. The starting date for both positions is Oct 1 2021.
We are looking for outstanding students with a master’s degree in Mathematics/Computer Science or a closely related field. Knowledge in at least one of the fields computational geometry or computational topology is a plus. Basic knowledge in algebraic topology, theoretical computer science, and programming skills, in particular in C++ or python, are also desirable.
The position includes teaching duties as teaching assistant, both for students of mathematics and others. The ability to teach in German is an advantage.
Applications should include:
* a letter of application and motivation
* a detailed curriculum vitae
* a recent academic transcript
* a copy of the master thesis (or a current draft)
* a reference letter (for instance, by the Master thesis supervisor – can be sent separately)
* email addresses of additional references (if applicable)
and should be sent until May 26 2021 using the reference number 5070/21/003 to
Further questions regarding the positions should be directed to Michael Kerber (