Postdoc in Topological Neuroscience, University of Delaware

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position beginning on or around July 1, 2021. The postdoctoral researcher will work with Dr. Chad Giusti to develop novel methods for understanding how brain networks encode and process information using techniques from topology, algebra, and geometry. The position carries a competitive salary and benefits, and offers interdisciplinary research and training opportunities in applied topology and neuroscience. Teaching opportunities are likely to be available but teaching is not required.

Applicants should have a PhD in mathematics or related discipline, with a strong background in algebraic or combinatorial topology. Programming experience or experience with data analysis are preferred. Background in neuroscience, biology, or applied topology are a plus, but are not required so long as the applicant is excited to learn. Some travel for conferences and collaborative research is expected. The position is renewable annually for three years.

The official ad is in the works and will be up on mathjobs shortly. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and accepted until the position is filled. Applicants are encouraged to contact Chad Giusti ( with questions.

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