Júlia Borràs Sol writes:
We are searching for a PhD student to work on topics related to computational topology, geometry, and robotics. In particular, we are part of an ERC European project (https://clothilde.iri.upc.edu/) focused on defining the mathematical fundaments of cloth manipulation using robots. The proposed PhD Thesis would work on exploring topological indexes, like for instance, the Gauss Linking Integral that measures the level of writhe between two curves in the space. This has been used as a guide for path planning in robotics, and we want to extend its application to bi-manual manipulation in general, and cloth manipulation if possible.
IRI is a robotics institute in Barcelona with a team of international researchers on robotics, we are part of a dynamic group (https://www.iri.upc.edu/research/perception) that offers many further opportunities, and nice applications for our theoretical studies.
Candidates must be doing or have a master’s degree. Please, contact us urgently if interested.
Thesis title: “Topological measures to plan flexible objects bimanual robotic manipulation”
Advisors: Júlia Borràs and Maria Alberich
Reference: MDM-2016-0656-19-1
Related project: MdM: Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu
More info: https://www.iri.upc.edu/jobs/77
Contact: jobs@iri.upc.edujborras@iri.upc.edu