duration: 3 years
starting date: as soon as possible
location: Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
This new position is funded by Prof. Milica Gasic’ ERC starting grant DYMO, and thus comes with no teaching duties. The aim of the project is to build the next generation of human-computer dialogue models. The postdoc will investigate the use of topological data analysis in natural language generation, combating the known problems of large pre-trained language models. Any insights gained could be applied to other areas of human-computer dialogue modelling and natural language processing more generally, where the current neural network models face limitations.
While this position is primarily based within the research group of Prof. Milica Gasic (Dialogue Systems and Machine Learning), collaboration with my group (Topology and Geometry) is expected, and I will be closely involved in the selection of candidates. Prior experience in one or more of the named areas would be beneficial, but we encourage outstanding candidates from all areas of mathematics to apply.
The position will be paid at the TV-L E13 scale (see https://www.academics.com/guide/salary-researchers-germany for more information). No knowledge of German is required.
Applications should be sent to milica.gasic at hhu.de by 15 June. For informal enquiries, please contact either milica.gasic at hhu.de or me (marcus.zibrowius at hhu.de).